Monday, April 26, 2021

To all survivors in this community

 There are 4 days to the culmination of the investigation. Please don't hurt me. I was abused by a "worry" narcissist. A survivor is a reformatory version of this abuser in many cases in this community. We know you are capable of overpowering a child, so why not me as well, even though I am an adult.

I doubt all survivors or even a search party of survivors will come to haunt me, as I haven't caused that much trouble. However, I have a near universal "parent" trauma, meaning if you reparent me in a controlling, authoritative way, based on punishment and reward, you'll get resistance.

Please leave me alone on these last days of the investigation, and I'll return the favor until the moment you set foot on my platform. If something upsets you, I'll try to be nice (which I can in writing) but when you are simply trying to censor my work, instead of simply leave alone what you find threatening.

"We aren't going to do that" I'll believe you, with caution, like you didn't believe me in the tape, like I wanted to believe when messing with the tape that I wasn't going to hurt anyone. We presume innocence, here at pedophile traumatics, all in one, because we don't want to EVER believe our abuser is after us. Gentle parents, you STILL are my abuser, but in reformatory format. You still have parent privilege over children. My trauma is a bystander trauma, because you could hurt me as well when you lose your cool...But, again, we want to believe you mean well. Note I ask questions? Tell me why you really arrive in gaslighting...because that's the only way there will be any exchange.

I hate control, meaning the gaslighting type, so I avoid it in my exchanges with controlling individuals here who call themselves "survivors" in a defamatory way. I prefer collaboration and working together to solve problems...You knew me before, Robbyn, then forgot who I was by listening to a child predator swindle you. They sure talk fast at anti-children's rights.

I make a post like this because a bunch of people have claimed their trauma in relation to me, assuming I'd attack them while consciously being able to know that I have no resources to find them in the way I was "prophesied" to attack. So, I made my own in relation to others. Sometimes, people with certain types of trauma worry in a coercive way that either the child may hurt them, or that they might get hurt by the child. I don't have to be grateful for "help" that is unsolicited under my Christian beliefs, meaning that which is painful or hurtful, even to the level of nuisance towards the victim.

I have the power and influence to not abuse your child, and I am proud of my choice not to as a pedophile. A good pedophile abstains, and restrains their sexually entitled tendencies. If that is your worry, know that if I did seek out your child, it would be for trying to be a non-entitled adult friend, meaning responsible friend, of your child. That is, if their interest in me is genuine, meaning not sexually motivated. I like empowered girls, and the fantasy for them to empower and reassure me when I'm down, so I reverse the roles due to my Christian parenting views requiring me to be the servant and attendant to the child, which would mean allowing children to drag me around their life, instead of the reverse. I need to be up to it, as by the end of the day in such cases, I'm tired and sleep good the night after...I am NOT to use a child's company for personal gain, by default, unless it imposes no damages on the child, and parentification can drain the child of energy, and maybe be a nuisance to her if I am too clingy.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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