Monday, April 26, 2021

How pedophilia treatment saves lives (and changes them as well)

Child sexual abuse is a common form of abuse in our country, with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys. Adult sexual entitlement is wanting sexual activity with a child to the point of seeking out said activity with or towards an individual under age 18. Pedophilia is unhealthy attraction to children under 14 years of age, and the term is medical in origin, not spiritual.

I myself have pedophilic disorder, meaning it is mentioned in my medical records (though not an official diagnosis). Most people think they know what a pedophile is, but don't. The mental health stigma against pedophiles is mainly about society not knowing what the condition is. It is an antisocial parent, meaning a sexually aggressive parent. Thus, a pedophile in treatment focuses on their parental side, and turns it inward, just like gentle parents do. 

It is an instinctual type treatment if you go the trauma-informed route, where you learn to trust your parental instincts that adult-child sexual relationships will never happen. The idea is pro-social avoidance/retreat, and pro-social self-hatred, in projectory child hatred. I came to project onto a child a certain type of hatred, meaning I am her adversary, and she hates me in a cast aside way - she has no time for me, and is there for herself and nobody else, and I must accept that. I also must accept that she isn't beholden to my emotional needs, meaning I shouldn't rely on a child for "comfort" and "company".

The idea is based in a tide, so to speak. You avoid any speech interaction with a child, at all times, unless first spoken to by a child. Until then, know that children tend to like adults who shut up and let them speak and have fun, with the adults being mere attendants, sitting by the sidelines as servants, like a therapy animal, as the good Lord prohibits me from provoking a child to the point of mere din that she perceives from my tone.

With many parents here, "watching tone" would mean holding back anger. With me, it is hiding sexual entitlement by speaking in a normal tone of voice. Child sexual abuse comes from the same entitled place in the adult soul. It is simply a different expression of adult entitlement. However, pedophilic tendencies are easier to control than angry urges to hit or yell at children, due to the low level of the desires. Yes, usually it is a desire that looks for an opening, meaning an opening in the crowd of people, and then zig-zag, make friends with the parents, get my mother to be involved overhead. The problem would be that I might get a little too carried away with my "appreciation" of her hospitality, and then end up either being sent home with my mom being called, or being sent home in a police car. Even the mere antisocial "leer" is abuse under my Christian beliefs on child abuse.

I'm here now. I do identify as a survivor and a pedophile both, with "pedophile" stating the type of survivor that I am, in terms of parent type. I might well be that loving universal parent to children that is gentle and non-violent, but I don't brag or promote any parent I have. I am not entitled to praise just for being that universal parent to children. I identify by my flaws instead, hence I identify as a pedophile upon questioning, or else show those traits openly, so others know what I am - a pedophile holding back adult sexual entitlement. I want to be friends with children, and maybe one day I'll do it the right way, meaning a way that the child does not feel unsafe or threatened. "Parent" is a profane word in my book, and those positive traits should go without constant praise, and for the other person to instead point out.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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