Friday, April 30, 2021

Therapy-to-prison pipeline - taking a U-turn toward pedophilia awareness/acceptance

Pedophilia is a disorder that affects 1-2% of the male population. Most people think either a pedophile is very difficult to treat, or cannot be treated. "They cannot be treated" remains one of the most common myths. The origin is not that belief itself, but a false Christian doctrine that "they need spiritual help, not medical help" because pedophilia is a "aberration" and "spiritual disease". It is not according to my beliefs, but maybe an aspect of a much larger one - parental entitlement.

Picture the Pennsylvania state house. Picture two pipelines headed in the other direction, the mental health system, and the prison system. One is afforded more resources on this subject, and that is the prison system. Who controls the state house on this issue? My lobby. The purity lobby. I do believe in Christian privilege, and do believe that pedophiles are victims of it more than anyone else in society. I am often disgusted by how fellow conservatives deal with this issue. This is the one issue that I respect liberals on, because most quietly understand that pedophiles need proper mental health treatment.

Things have improved since the founding of the Virtuous Pedophiles forum in 2012, meaning the educated sectors of American society do quietly acknowledge the existence of non-offending pedophiles, but only as an aside in a conversation, then focusing on other things. Most of these people, in my experience, share my parenting views to varying degrees, meaning they respect the modern science on parenting as well. None condone child abuse, including child sexual abuse, but think, like me, that abuse can be prevented by way of treating pedophiles before the fact, meaning before their first offense with a child.

Lawmakers are beholden to society, and a large amount of society opposes the existence of non-offending, non-abusive pedophiles, meaning they project their own abusive traits onto pedophiles. These tend to be parents that are pro-spanking to the core, pride themselves as "old school", and since they don't want to blame themselves for causing trauma to their child, project onto a bogeyman, meaning pedophiles. Lots of this is rooted in abusive "Christian" beliefs based on Catholic infiltration of our Christian church (yes, I'm that kind of conservative Christian) that teaches a toxic "predestined nature" of "male desire", meaning the false belief that men "can't help it" due to "being men and that's just how they are".

We never intended any of this to happen here at children's rights. Organized pedophiles were long our adversary, but ordinary clinical pedophiles not affiliated with a "tribe" are allowed by the movement framework allotted by the United Nations, meaning we are very generous to actual pedophiles, because we know the truth - the actual abusers are peacekeepers, not pedophiles. There is some overlap, but not much of one. Most pedophiles are somewhere on the autism spectrum, meaning at least having autistic traits or PDD-NOS. A predatory pedophile does not know his age, and hangs out with children in public gathering areas not knowing that such is inappropriate. These offenses exist on the lawful unlawful level, despite their possibly peacekeeping characteristics. However, only 1 out of 4 pedophiles are abusive, according to research done by the Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). We know all this knowledge here at children's rights, but sit on it, because we don't want it misused. This is all about "stolen knowledge", meaning the anti-contact lobby now knows all concerning our research, and is presenting it for public consumption. This is something that needed to happen at some point, and the sooner the better.

Why? Therapy abuse is a common form of abuse committed against pedophiles, meaning in the form of therapist alienation. Not all therapists are equipped to treat pedophiles, but they should have a referral to a more sex-positive specialist handy, and not either dump clients without a referral with scathing remarks, or worse, report them to the authorities based on their self-diagnosis to the clinician alone.

Anti-parental entitlement is all about getting the adults of society to admit their own guilt, choose not to abuse children, and stop projecting their abuse onto small minorities with limited defenses. Where does this all start? Abusive religion, of the Christian purity variety. I myself believe in Christian sexual purity, yet see no reason to single out pedophiles as the abusers, and give them special treatment in the reverse, meaning special punitive treatment. The idea is enforced coddling, and that idea stems in the false doctrine that men are driven to have sex no matter what. Such is false. You don't accidentally rape a child. It is a conscious, willful choice of harm towards a child. Most non-offending pedophiles don't need that kind of coddling by society, meaning we can simply choose not to abuse a child, and be the master of our choices. NOTHING can stop me from refraining from harming a child. NOTHING! I myself am a low-level advocate, meaning the one to keep the others in a group in line, and straight with the facts. I think for myself, and for God, but am not a part of this world, but of the next. 

A pedophile is a parent, meaning an antisocial parent, and is a parent conflated with sexual aggression. It is when an individual's sexual development stops at puberty or shortly after due to hormones, affecting age-oriented psychosexual development. A boy's age preferences, upon hitting puberty, are at his age and a few years lower. When these ages do not change, that is called pedophilia by psychiatrists and mental health professionals. It usually happens in individuals with autism who are small in stature and have child-centered interests, usually with an empowerment theme. Or, they may just like being around children, and "get" them more than same-age peers. When the interactions are normal and respectful, in an egalitarian way, there is nothing to worry about. However, if they get clingy or pushy, that is a prerequisite to abuse, which is perceived by the child. They should be made aware by their own choosing to reform themselves, so if your child has these traits, allow them to disclose them to you, by laying out the environment for such a disclosure. DO NOT feel obligated to praise them - they shouldn't make you feel that way when coming out anyway. Simply listen when the disclosure comes, and depending on what comes out, seek a family psychologist. Chances are, an actual child/pedophile will have repeated "kid crushes" organized like train cars. The goal is then to seek the caboose. I see this as a childhood disorder because when caught early like this, the abuse of a child later in life can be prevented...Pedophilia is an immature parent, thus a neurodevelopmental disorder based on malfunctioning pubertal hormones.

In my case, I think the list of crushes has hit the caboose. Let's hope so, for children's sake. I myself did not "play the field" or have any desire for vengeance towards a child. Just friendship in a way that was inappropriate. We all as adults are abusers of children, only I admit it - albeit a low-level abuser - and seek professional help and support from those close to me, like my mother.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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