What is attached parenting? Showing Christian manners and kindness to ones child, at all times and not when they are "good". How do you talk to children as an adult? Like you would anyone. Just like anyone else. That's all a child is to me. Average joe or jolene, in miniature format. That's children to me. They are equal to me, on every level, by my flawed perception.
The Tenth Commandment prohibits coveting and entitlement, and is repeated by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektes) and refers to not merely wanting something from or with a child, but wanting said item to the point of seeking to impose said anger or desire on the child, leading to abuse/theft once the child feels imposed upon, as evidenced by cries of abuse, and whines and screams of such as well, regardless of any secular laws that permit "reasonable chastisement" of the child.
If I want something from a child, I'm inclined instinctively to say "please" and "thank you", and when I am being a pest, I have the instinct to say "sorry" or even apologize further if the child demands it. If you have conservative conditioning like me, you just are polite and kind like this. You ask things of them, and not just slouch around and demand things from the child, like some screaming nut.
I am not entitled to anything from a child. I must ask, and earn my respect, in order for my wishes as a parent to be respected. What do I ask of children right now? Nothing. What do I ultimately want from children? A romantic relationship. Never going to happen. I can ask a child "can I sit next to you and snuggle" and they'd have to say "yes", or else it is abuse.
It's just polite to use good Christian manners with a child. If I didn't speak to a child with respect, I'd deserve God's loving punishment designed just for me. Same standard on you as a parent.
Children are the lawful authority in parenting. It is an authority of might, in relation to God, with children being loving extensions of Christ, convicting and terrorizing one as an adult with their vulnerability and defenseless. When a child is upset and rebukes you, you know you are in trouble, and your behavior has crossed a boundary. Just show my hat to the door, and write an apology letter later...I am afraid of your child, dear parent, because she feels however she feels, and has the right to ALL of her feelings, and I must heed and respect, even if you don't.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization
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