I have that sick POS on my block list, and will keep him there until the end of time. You don't need to mimick him. I get the point - THAT type of abuse is clearly abuse to me on a visceral level. Befriending children with sexual motives? How is that abuse? That's why I draw the line at a) the child being uncomfortable with the setup and/or any sexually entitled intent directed towards the child. With friendships, it is tricky. If you like being around them, and keep that connotation private, that isn't abuse. If the child perceives a threat from an adult, it becomes abuse at that very moment. Same with inappropriate attractions to adults.
I hate everyone's abusive parents, unless the victim says they've changed, in which case my case is a rare case. They're trash. I hate them all, and want them put down like sick puppies. The victim actually tends to be more conflicted, in my experience with survivors. I wasn't conflicted as a pedophile victim of lawful abuse - I knew I was abused, and I wanted my abusive father especially, abused back. Since they are sorry, I can't abuse my parents, so I take it out on other parents as well in anti-spanking blog posts. I want them to hear my cries of traumatic anger at their abuse towards a child. You shall not exist while defending such parental entitlement, but since they do, let them exist in a jail cell, and away from their children.
I do support kidnapping - statenapping by proxy, meaning I flipped the switch. It's something you don't brag about. You just do it, and give in secret to the child victim of abuse.
I am a for-hire cop, in terms of children being lawfully abused by their parents. I don't judge on behalf of the child, but judge alongside the child. Think informing the child of her abuse, and discussing together options to remedy or stifle the abuse. She hires me to go after her parents, and tell them off, or else my policing is dormant and non-eventful.
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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