Saturday, April 24, 2021

Attn: Facebook

To the best of my knowledge, the tape has ended. My plans, once it is restored, is share some of my posts to my page, either the current one or a future page where I have created in advance, in case my own page gets deleted.

If I am disrespectful towards survivors, I am deserving of the ban

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

Crying: Why children crying is not bad behavior

Many parents have had to deal with it. A child is crying. Most parents assume that the child is trying to "undermine" them. Howeve...