Saturday, April 24, 2021

Amy White targeted again by police operatives

 READER'S NOTE: This post temporarily opens up a fornication case that has been resolved, meaning by way of legal seal. 

Amy White did not abuse me by my past tense perceptions, by way of my righteous judgment. I ask that others release the claws out of her. I rarely think of her, to be honest. I have her in my "Cyrus" category, due to her membership and agreement of organization. 

I take a "lamppost" attitude towards my judgments, meaning I keep my judgments to myself, and if you enquire a certain way, you either get answers you don't like, or answers you do like, presuming innocent beyond a reasonable doubt...It's called "presume"/"reason to believe". If I have no reason to believe you are a fornicator, you aren't one, and between adults, I only judge that among fellow Christians. I include progressive Christians as part of my church. Otherwise, I'd have to exclude my mother. 

All cases of survivors sexually using me as a child are deemed not guilty by way of "search party" privilege, meaning they apologized at the end of the march, they are not guilty. 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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