Saturday, April 24, 2021

Already fantasized

 No need to fantasize more. None of your business what I imagined. I see the fantasy right behind me, in terms of bodily perception.

I have no hacking capabilities. Everyone's fine at this point. I only have a problem with a few clowns on the back end of the movement, wanting me to die or become an atheist. I am not interested in you, Tia Brown, thus Foursquare is an abusive cult to you, from what I can tell. They want a fight between us, whereas we may agree a lot, theologically. I am a gentle parenting Christian/conservative, meaning I do agree with gentle parenting values, but I focus on depravity in adults, namely parents, but vanish out children in that tense, because children are exempt from Divine Prosecution due to presumed ignorance and/or duress (when by false encouragement from an adult).

I don't drive. Anyone who says I have a car is lying. I simply have a state ID...I am not angry at anyone here enough to try and find them. If I did look up information, it would be to post it. Lots of people are now coming forward about vile acts committed in 2017 against a likeness of me feeding me gaslighting.

I am not interested in survivors except for a long-term commitment, namely a marriage between one man and one woman, meaning you'd have to hook up with me, and we'd have to get engaged, and we'd have to go to the Berks County clerk of courts, and they'd have to issue a marriage license for it to be acceptable to God, and the marriage would have to be beneficial to both parties, and consensual...I'm pretty predictable, so I'm imagining a woman being asked "Why would you date someone like that?" and she says "I was abused, and many men have burned me alongside the childhood abuse I suffered. He's nothing, in terms of threat."...Sorry, can't replicate any of this tonight.

I'll try to sleep. This tape makes you feel awake, meaning the opposite, meaning both at the same time, but mainly awake, knowing though that sleep is a core human need.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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