Monday, March 15, 2021

Why pedophilia is a childhood disorder (understanding the most impacted of cases)

Many people misunderstand pedophilia as a clinical condition, and lump it in with sexual abusers. My understanding of a pedophile is very different from my colleagues. We're done hating pedophiles here at children's rights, meaning singling them out. We're done with them, period (most of us - not me). Most of us hate parents, namely with the phrase "our abusive parents". The parent was our abuser, and when they get a child like I was, they often quit their abuse entirely.

I have disclosed my condition to my parents, and both of them were understanding of my condition. Listening and validation, leading to me growing and improving as a child/pedophile. What was the setup like? Train cars. It was surface-level crushes, not a bomb that went off. This is actually a fact of life in many homes across the country.

These disclosures and self-diagnoses tend to occur in a certain subset of homes - ours, meaning gentle, non-punitive homes where the child, usually a teenager, with the condition, does not fear punishment or retaliation by disclosing that they are a pedophile.

It is a myth that disclosing to parents in a close, conversational way leads to parents having incestuous attractions towards their children. It simply leads to more closeness, but a different type, meaning more of a cooperative relationship than an adversarial one.

What should a parent do on this issue? Follow your intuition, and acknowledge that your child does have a clinical issue. However, know that the issue is not close to you to mold like a peacekeeper would, but is a very low level, thus very high level condition, meaning it must be worked on by the older child or teen themselves, with guidance from parents and possibly a therapist.

Therapy for this condition is listening-based and person-centered in nature, in a way that empowers the child to center the condition and not take it out on children. Children are usually highly motivated to change, as are most pedophilic clients outside of the realm of court-ordered treatment.

Many here find my case of going to great lengths to seek out treatment and co-regulation in relation to children. What I am pointing out, in so many words, is that I am no special case. I am just one to be honest about changing. Anti-contact conditioning tempts one to actually lie in a self-incriminating type of way. It is actually our conditioning, but to the extreme when expressed in relation to us. I really wish they'd just be honest with us, but maybe Blake shouldn't have groomed the lot of them, and tarnished the name and reputation of our movement in the process...I am just one of about a million pedophiles in this country, and I suspect a great many teenagers with the condition today have a story similar to mine, but instead more sheltered. This is a taboo topic, kept down by religious hysteria and hatred based on feigned Christian purity.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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