Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Why spanking "out of love" is just as evil as fondling/raping a child "out of love" (my experience with both)

 Many parents spank their child "out of love". 94% of parents spank their children, and 1 out 3 use a makeshift weapon to batter their child, such as a belt, paddle, or switch. 70% of adults in the United States support lawfully-excused domestic battery inflicted upon children. It is called "spanking out of love" by the perpetrators. Don't think chaotic home. Think cleansing ritual, at least in retrospect. Piety ritual, with my parents simply being working class liberal folks who voted against George Bush, Jr. twice (some of my fondest memories with my abusers was snickering at that president). I was a leftist for more than half my life until becoming conservative. Why? I do not believe in well-meaning parents. I just believe in well-meaning parents by way of excuse.

It was being sent to my room, waiting in agony to be hit, then hit, then I was left for dead. There was always some small gratitude in my perception that showed how upset I was...only I hated my parents. Directly for that, enough to stray on our children's rights websites to hide. My goal then was to create a separate compartment to decide what way out of my abuse I wanted, and then I just unleashed it on the adults years later as a form of reverse gaslighting.

Grooming in my home was up down. I was praised for being "smart" and "intelligent" and "unique" due to my autism, and then punished when I fell from those standards. This is authoritative parenting, a KP form of parenting that mimics gentle parenting to some, and is clearly different in an abusive way to those like me - authoritative parenting abused me.

What is the harm? I have generalized anxiety disorder conflating itself with pedophilic disorder. The main theme of my anxiety was harm to children. It was a defining anxiety about children being spanked or punished, that would leave me nauseous. Since I couldn't do anything about children being harmed, I wanted to die. This is known as caregiver suicide, and it happens when a parent/pedophile is overwhelmed by the presence of lawfully-excused child abuse, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere, PLEASE HELP ITS SCARY! I CANT RESCUE MY FRIEND BECAUSE THE LAW WON'T LET ME! YOU WILL DIE THE SECOND DEATH IN HELL AND FIRE! Yes, it's silent anger now, but it's there nonetheless, deep in my psyche.

My parents are both sorry, with one being in Heaven. Many times, however, parents aren't sorry. It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a druinkard, or an extortioner; with one an no not to eat.

Ultimately, this command can be applied in spirit, but gives Christians the ability to apply law onto legally competent adults. They don't exist within my line of speech. Basically, they exist where they live, and since I never visit or contact, they don't exist, and only trustworthy people exist. 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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