Sunday, February 21, 2021

Why pedophilia is not a moral crime - only adult entitlement/child abuse is

 Many here in the children's rights community disagree with me on my views on pedophilia, and think the condition itself is an aberration. The "spiritual condition" of pedophilia has long been a way to keep down certain groups of people. Churches are not perfect. Only God is, and God does not hate pedophiles. God hates abuse and damages imposed upon children. The two are not the same thing.

What is pedophilia? Sexual attraction to children under age 14 from an adult or older teen age 16 or up, as demonstrated by repeated sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors towards said child. Pedophilia, in most cases, is a connotational attraction that may "draw in" interest of the adult, and also draw them near the vicinity of children, or work around children. 3 out of 4 pedophiles choose not to sexually abuse a child, and only 5% of sex offenders are pedophiles. The rest are simply sexually entitled adult who are peacekeeping narcissists, meaning they usually target teenage girls instead.

Many "Christian" sexual/religious abusers misuse anti-fornicator statutes, when THEY are the fornicator, burning the pedophile as a fornicator merely for their "deadly existence". The concept of deadly existence is universal by my Christian standpoint, but extinguished, in fact, by clinical pathological self-identification and self-diagnosis. As long as you are pro-social honest with yourself, and quietly refrain from choosing not to abuse children...Usually, in a conversation about anti-pedophile prejudice, the abuser of pedophiles is the fornicator, and the affront is the pedophile who is being projected on. 

The Greek root word denoting "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers specifically to sexual contact or intrusion upon a child's body or immediate vicinity, driven by adult sexual entitlement, or wanting sexual favors or items from a child to the point of seeking to impose said sexual entitlement onto a child.

Think of this as a strand delineating entitled behavior towards a child. The lowest level of sexual abuse is leering, and pedophilia exists even before that. It is, you might say, an entitled want, but that part isn't helpful for many pedophiles, who have severe religious traumas, of the severe type that they hate all religion. A pedophile is on this strand at a hidden, thought level that they want gone. The average pedophile hates having sexual thoughts about children, and may make them worse by pushing them out and repressing them. Others may be more brutally honest about their condition in an antisocial manner, and these pedophiles are more high risk, as they have not internalized that sex with children is wrong and harmful.

Prejudice against pedophiles is the collective judgment that all pedophiles are either guilty of child abuse or predestined to abuse a child, with this coming from religious stigma on the mental health condition. Not everyone who voices anger at pedophiles is an abuser of pedophiles. An abuser of pedophiles is generally hiding a sex crime, or several, of some sort. A prejudicial pedophile might, in an interrogation room, say "no, that kid is the pedophile. I'm fucken innocent", pointing to a teenage girl next door. Most children's rights advocates do not have this prejudice, but simply do not like the condition. Most everyone here wants there to be more services for the condition, whereas there isn't much in terms of mental health services for pedophilia anywhere in the country.

The first step is for people to stop seeing this as a religious issue and more like a medical issue. Child protection IS definitely a religious issue to me, but "pedophilia" is a secular medical label we plaster onto that system. Pedophilia will never be a celebrated concept by Christianity, but neither does God cast away certain individuals without a chance - children, perhaps - just because of a mental disorder they are born with. God loves non-offending pedophiles, but HATES anyone who abuses a child. Don't call them pedophiles; call them abusers or sexually entitled adults. Then, you are saying the same thing we always have as a society, but in a different way.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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