Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Self-control in parenting: The proper controlled conditioning to model to children (and also touching on the anti-CR controversy)

I see it everywhere. Most parents I see out and about are out of control, and have emotional and anger problems towards children. Many parents believe pride in their parenting views. This is not a biblical concept. In the biblical context, in both the Old and New Testaments, parents were not named in first-person, but only in third-person law books. Parents were charred and shamefaced then, knowing their worthless, sacrificial martyrdom for their children. Many stereotype pedophile adults as talkative, and think we have to be. Wrong. I'm quiet at home and elsewhere. 

Anti-children's rights is an anti-child organization that defend adult hegemony against children by way of spreading lies about whether certain conditioning harms certain adults, especially regarding certain cases of autism with co-morbid pedophilic tendencies. The stereotype is that we all are talkative and outgoing - shaking everyone's hand and so forth - and so them turning into a different person is "cruel and unusual punishment". This issue pans out to a different, broader issue - the belief that "no adult would be that selfless unless they were seriously depressed and a danger to themselves". Sad commentary on how children are viewed in society.

It says in Hebrews 12:11 KJV:
Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

The Greek root word translated παίδεια (Latin: paideia) and refers to a centered, controlled attitude out of self-discipline, as well as self-loathing of one's sin nature. It is knowing and internalizing fully that one is evil ("I am evil" gaslighting"), grieving one's mistakes in relation to children (GRK: λυνέ). Children cause stress, or perhaps maybe/or else sexual distraction (if you are a pedophile like me). In my case, I see a young girl in spaghettis-strap tank top and shorts, and I shut up, and just deal with it. 

This all leads to being silent and shamefaced in relation to children. I could talk all I wanted, and feel comfortable with it, but I don't feel like saying anything. It is a calm, centered feeling. I just might pace around, ask my mother for something material, but otherwise be quiet.

Conservative conditioning is a reverse dome. Others first, me last. I can demand things from my mother, but not anyone else, and given that I respect her in an earned way, I don't ask for much from her either. It is pro-social cylinder, in exemplary spinning format. She's a shelter for my every emotion.

It is a shamefaced, woeful conditioning. As far as child abuse allegations? Bring forth an allegation to my court, and I will do my best to answer to your concerns as a fellow adult, to the fullest, by way of treating your allegation as clarification as to past actions or attitudes. Ask, and you shall seek. Call the authorities over my head if you think I am lying (the number is listed in the bio). I am deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to God and children, so I submit to both, willingly. I answer to children as the highest authority below God in my life. 

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The word "no": Why children need to hear the word "no" seldom (meaning almost never)

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