Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Responsible vs. irresponsible mental illnesses: Why pedophilia is a responsible mental illness

Pedophilia is a mental illness and sexual disorder involving sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is, perhaps, the most stigmatized mental illness in the DSM-5, and the surrounding issue concerning pedophile stigma and hatred surrounds issues relating to mental health rights and parity. I, as a pedophile, have earned my rights. They could be dialed back anytime I commit acts of abuse against a child, and I would have earned that outcome as well. Society expects too little of pedophiles - and then expects too much of us in the process in terms of bureaucratic red tape.

Mental health parity here means pedophilia should be treated on a level similar to any other disorder that conflates itself with an antisocial, aggressive parent. PTSD itself, when not treated, can lead to child abuse, usually lawful corporal punishment such as spanking and hitting children. Pedophilia, in terms of veracity of impulses, is controllable in a manner on par with other aggressive disorders a parent may suffer from such as PTSD/childhood trauma, explosive anger disorder, and OCD. It is a disorder you deal with yourself, and not rely on the government or some nanny stepping in to micromanage. It is called learned helplessness, and that is why most pedophiles offend. They think they are helpless to their desires, therefore they are, and masculinist societal beliefs that "men can't help it" prop up their learned helplessness.

What do urges to molest children feel like? Drawn in. Allure. Hot body. Spark/trigger. She may look at you a certain way, namely one that indicates that she notices you and wants to be your friend. It is a desire to go through doors, namely by befriending parents and family, and then ending up in her room - only you didn't end up there...YOU chose to be there by following all the beforementioned steps. It would basically be going to a back room of a house, and then imposing adult sexual entitlement onto a child. It isn't a compelling, overwhelming urge, but an antisocial "smoke signal" projected onto the child.

So you "couldn't help it" when you raped that family member of yours in her room? Why were you even there in the first place? Why were you even associating with her in the first place? Why were you off your medication (can be an antecedent)? Why were you drinking? Why were you on so many drugs? Eliminate just one of these factors, and an offense couldn't occur. Yes, that's how it is with me.

Pedophile hatred is an anti-child, anti-woman hatred. Why? Who is most likely to accept pedophiles according to my own experiences and attachment theory. It is a matter of a mother having an "ugly child", and everyone thinking "how could you love such a child". But she does. Same with pedophiles. But then she's told by male influences from outside the home "knowing your child at that level is improper/immoral/abusive" and then is given a complex behavior plan for her child that is a mile long, that she just knows, intuitively, isn't necessary and simply makes him more oppositional, when all she needed to do was listen to and validate her child's cries and upset. Her son likely doesn't like having the condition and/or has a crush that needs to be vented to her instead of the child.

"Male influence" means basically anyone outside the realm of the selective attachment because mother and her pedophilic child, since even many women are under that influence (parental rights feminists, conservative women, etc.). Ultimately, the hatred comes from hate churches and denominations that hate everyone else that isn't like them as well, including children. Children clamped down on one end of the parent-monster, and pedophiles on the other. Children are oppressed the same way as pedophiles, but are instead subjugated as such out in the open. Both can be both.

I am very lucky to have an understanding mother, family, and support system here at children's rights. My advocacy on pedophiles rights is gratitude-based attitudes. We have earned what we have kept, and have rights as pedophiles to be treated on par to any mental health client. We need more services for this issue in Pennsylvania and elsewhere in the country.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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