Sunday, February 7, 2021

God's annihilating radius: A common image associated with my parent hatred (you parents shall not exist)

 How much do I hate parents? Around here at children's rights, I am known as the parent-hater-in-chief, and want to keep my reputation as such, all the while working along a group of parents who, quite honorably, refuse to stand out for sake of modesty and humility. I am humbled and honored to work alongside this community and speak on behalf of children in this community, being the flawed adult and man that I am. God annihilate all, for all is against children.

That's what I think of in terms of parents, these days. The rapture. Yes, I am an anti-spanking advocate, but one that believes in a literal Hell and a literal rapture. I look forward to my day in Divine Custody, alongside my mother and a few other relatives such as my grandfather, while everything else is made gone. Gone. Gone. 

Wouldn't it be awesome to destroy everything? Wouldn't it be wonderful? Spare the children, and annihilate the rest? Maybe I'd go up for some reason, and that would be good and just as well. I'd love to see the world suffer for hurting children. It would be fun, and torturous, and a hateful thing to do to those who embrace hate. Hurt them indeed, and enjoy so. I feel calm writing thing this...first time in my life with this wretched trauma from abuse restrained. No more anger problems or anxiety attacks. God shut me up.

I just want everything to be gone at this point. All gone. All gone. Children safe with Jesus, and the world destroyed. We as humans earned it. 

I am a railroader on many levels, namely a topical/locational. My argumentation against spanking is a form of pro-social rape. Floorboard going down up to the parent, making things downwards. Pro-social offense, counting any reaction ranging from rebellion to silence in relation - basically anything other than empathy to my trauma - as a defense. The more you oppose me/my trauma, the more you dig yourself a hole, as THIS pedophile goes through the proper channels, and doesn't storm the abusers' page. Thus, railroading is protesting Max until you lose all credibility, and even I walk away from you. Note I say "even I". I can be very patient, but my patience has limits. It is bringing out the rabbits from their den. "I'm sorry, Max. I was just impulsive" and stop THE FIRST TIME, and that's all you had to say...I am allowed, under my Christian beliefs, to bring up past events of any length of time to educate. I just can't bring forth charges on counts that were already adjudicated in a divine court of law. Robbyn, you're off the hook, unless you defend any abuser whatsoever apart from advice against pressing charges (which is wise advice, in fact). Amy Bryant is on my shun list for disability sexual entitlement, in annihilationist application, alongside several others here. They also harmed or attempted harm towards my cousin.

"Do you want to be railroaded again" Do you, Robbyn. By merely arguing with me, or around me with intermediaries, you consent to being railroaded as the tall poppy you are - I can't rearrange things. I'm not that pompous or powerful. I just will make you stand out for wanting to control others. You will not control other people, Robbyn. You will control yourself, and yourself only. If you back down, and brush this paragraph off as venting steam, I will be pleased. I don't want to have to railroad people, yet when I do, it is fun in an annoying way. Getting abusers to strut their stuff and blow their top. Remember the infiltrators? How scary they were? You can be just as scary to me when you lash out at our community like that. Now, prove me that I am wrong. I am only charging you, Robbyn, for DEFENDING Amy, to be fair. If you would have just stood quietly as she spoke, I'd have no reason to charge you...I have no evidence that either of you are abusing a child, but one of you is abusing a vulnerable traumatic pedophile and the other defends the perpetrator with nice words and a pat on the back. I do not want anyone to leave, as I want minimal disruptions as to how the movement runs. "Somebody has to go..." self-victimization of a perpetrator. She doesn't have to go. She's done good work for us, and she can focus on that instead of defending "child" groomers...Sorry, but I had to add this paragraph for an intrusive voice "overhead". For now she is not guilty of disability entitlement by way of line defense of abuse, as the tape was taken in 2017. That has now been determined to be the fact, but I will leave this up to show that taking on the authority of my trauma for unjust causes, meaning without evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, may lead someone in the psychiatric ward. I do feel bad at that point, but at the same time, the rules are the rules. My PC is not a phone jack. She did show, in the computer actions, that she had empathy (3 chocolate milks ordered), but I'd classify her as an empathic abuser, with situational application. She's too sensitive, and tries to control things that she can't stop. I might have those traits, but more anxious-avoidant. I could have called the police many, many times, in public if it were legal. Striking or putting a hand on a child is that urgent to me. Think police rushing to the scene. Think parents slammed to the ground and handcuffed. Think the police warning the parents of the dangers of spanking...and then I don't care about their reputation or good name at that point.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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