Thursday, January 21, 2021

What is a "trauma trust" narcissist? (why most pedophiles fit this category, in covert format)

 What is a "trauma trust" narcissist? Us, even if we are pedophiles as well. A pedophile, usually speaking, is a specific type of "trauma trust" narcissist that views themselves as beneath their abuser, smaller than their abuser, and as an abuser to our abuser. 

"Trauma trust" refers to a specific attitude in me - if you don't listen to my needs, and validate my concerns, and instead shut down conversation. Narcissism refers to demanding behavior, meaning a source of anger, and your narcissist refers to things that make you angry. Me? Denied trauma, big time. To the point of devouring, snarling anger.

By default, I see my abuser, the parent, as bigger than me, in an overpowering way. I see parents, in the store, yelling at and reprimanding their child, and then I think "they could turn on me". "Trauma trust" narcissism, in L format, with gentle parenting conditioning. A form of lawful trauma from spanking/corporal punishment. I was angry from the very beginning, meaning I never defended my abusive parents. Many here are worried about sexual abuse from my father - no. The spanking itself was perceived as a sexual violation. The dynamic would be different as well, if that were the case, and there were sexual abuse, meaning that he would not turn right around to supporting our parenting in the way he did...If he didn't apologize, I'd wish he was in Hell and/or dead, because then he'd go on a different track on a track, and be a very entitled parent, which he was NOT on his way out of this world. I am NOT nice to abusive parents. I was only nice to him because he apologized. Otherwise, I would have wanted to have nothing to do with him (pro-social cruelty, pro-social harshness). I am glad he did care.

I want parents, meaning my abuser, to trust me not all the time, but when I have a traumatic concern. When I am afraid of you, or am afraid of how you treat or how you behave, I want you to trust me, or I will turn on you, and defend myself with reverse gaslighting in the form of verbal abuse. I will not stop until you shut up, and hear me out, and listen to what I have to say. In my case, I am usually a calm, reasoned man, but if you invalidate my trauma, I will get angry, and I will escalate until your entitlement shows in anger or victimizing fear. I give you every chance to exit the situation, and leave. Every time you refuse to egress, it is counted against you in a court of law, either God's or that of man.

I myself have come to a different conclusion than most survivors here - anti-spank. Pro-social God complex. High plane (in adjustable context). Pro-social spy, pro-social monitor. Children's rights is a resource bin, and I happened to come to anti-spanking conclusions encased in a pro-spank covering, and thus coming to "coming from" conclusion. Pro-social tolerance, but once you break that code, and infringe on my rights, such as my religious freedoms that I hold dear as an American, I don't have to tolerate it, just like you don't have to tolerate it in the reverse. I submit to the court. as I have many, many, many times before. Keep your d*mn beliefs; it's none of my business if they hurt you or not. Show me the same d*mn respect, and quit your nagging. Religious liberty for all, and children also. There is a reason why I identify as "defending children's religious liberty". It's called speaking to the detractors of that in their own language (and mine as well in that context). I am ATTACKING the religious who hate the child and the pedophile, both meaning both - read everything backwards. DO NOT DEFEND what scum you do not intend to defend. I will f*cking KILL such pro-spanking blasphemous scum straight to prison, if I were the police, and if it were legal for the police to do so, you f*cking jackrabbits and spoogs who beat children within the law. Reign of terror to YOU, when YOUR disciplinary rights are taken away for good, and the state and we tell you how to raise your children. WE are f*cking mad! F*CKING MAD at your right to punish your child, and so we will swipe it away, and affront the parents, so they are scared of hurting their child, because YOU. ARE. F*CKING. HURTING. THAT. CHILD. And I will f*cking kill you if I see you in the store, one more time, speaking to your child like that, and I want you to f*cking cower, meaning f*cking cower, meaning f*cking cower...because we are really in Akranes, and YOU are going to jail for violating the Child Protection Act, and I will f*cking FRY YOUR A** in court, and I will f*cking FRY YOU A** in court. YOU HEAR ME? YOU HEAR ME? YOU MUTHAF*CKIN' HEAR ME! I WILL F*CKING KICK YOUR A** STRAIGHT DOWN THE CLIFF, into the ATLANTIC OCEAN, because I'm not a sadist like you are. I have class, unlike you. Yeah, you get the message. Lawful spanking/corporal punishment is THAT F*CKING BAD! YOU'll never get it, so don't even try. I don't judge, so don't project judgment onto me...No, this is nobody here I'm referring to. Just a cartoon character in my head on the other side, that only exists in my head. That's what they are. Cartoon characters. Preacher types carring a belt, a rod, or what name you, only GOD'S CHURCH in DISARRAY. Many will be called, but few chosen - because most Christians hate children, and only a few will make it. That's the point of entitlement to go on...Yes, that's my trauma, in a nutshell. I was spanked, and I did not turn out okay. WE are pedophiles, and WE are reverent trauma, so OBEY our trauma and TRUST our trauma at our command, because TRAUMA never lies. Parents are evil, standing out as they do like towers. I just walk away from verbally abusive people - you don't get that chance like you did in an airborne tape, like I'm sure you know. I now know what pro-social abuse is, and I drop the charges (edited) - pro-social abuse, in fact, is allowed under my Christian beliefs in order to drive an abuser away by using their methods against them like a mirror. The only way it won't work is if they sit down and reason with their enemy, or else egress if they don't. There is no reason to behave like that, except, perhaps, in a gaslighting situation like this. If you come to attack me with abuse on my page, I might even abuse you a notch or two further, and put you down from your platform (pro-social cruelty, pro-social evil). I am allowed, under the pragmatic nature of my beliefs, to admit that I am evil in pride to quell and shut down an abuser, meaning they egress immediately. Airborne tapes work differently, as credible apology (on the victim's end) only comes after the trailer is gone, and if the abuser apologizes in a credible way, no charges can be imposed. If the suspect refuses to apologize for putting the trailer in the tape, I can either simply document it, or turn it in to a mediator (a fellow advocate, law enforcement) to be dealt with accordingly. Usually, I let it go, document it, or take mental notes on a hidden level (to be used at a later time, or never). If I do not know the purpose of a tape, it can be perceived as harassment. If your intent is simply to get out information, or insert stress for an outcome, it isn't abuse, and if I perceive it as such, I am entitled. This, unfortunately, cannot be determined until afterwards, when the circumstances can be explained...Do I believe in police gaslighting? For high-level offenders, namely peacekeeping offenders. Not for someone with moderate-mild autism. Just drag them into the interrogation room, grill them, break them down, and read them the riot act as to why their behavior towards a cousin or sibling was harmful. Yes, tears - because most pedophiles don't pull that type of crap. No excuses. Do the big boy crime, do the big boy time. There is no reason to gaslight them, as they are not hiding anything but an abusive, menacing parent towards a child that chooses to rape the child. Break them down like any abusive parent. Pro-social rag-tag. Shove it right in front of the sexually entitled parents, then they ignore. Identify as a pedophile, then they attack you as an abuser (why I think we shouldn't use that dx on abuser).

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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