Many adults blame pedophiles for the epidemic of child sexual abuse facing our society. This is a common way to blame a boogeyman for something all adults have individual responsibility in avoiding. The fact of the matter is that there is only one way of preventing sexual abuse of children - children self-protecting, and adults abstaining from child sexual abuse.
Children self-protect, meaning children are naturally wired to avoid sexual predators. Whenever a child suddenly refuses to go with an adult, in a repellant fashion, the adult in question surely is guilty of being \a a child sex offender. Whenever children want to go with a random adult, think pedophile, but the right kind.
The Greek root word denoting lust in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers here not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look, and then maybe think the think later. But, if you find yourself doing the deed with a child, you shouldn't even have approached her. "Doing the deed" refers to flirting or propositioning a child, or else touching her anywhere on her body with sexual intent. Even if the child is right there, it is the intent that counts,
There is only one way to acknowledge your sexual desires for children - righteous masturbation. Most child sexual abuse comes from repressed sexual desires that come out sideways onto children, like a ton of bricks. The idea is to masturbate righteously. With righteous masturbation, you can explore all of the possibilities in the world, but every time, you end up at the same place - nothing. However, nothing means everything for the children that cross your path.
I myself am a model pedophile for not being one. I myself have done the deed with a child, in the form of flirting and propositioning a child. Most pedophiles that I have met have a squeaky clean record. I myself have a sin list in relation to children a mile long, usually in the form of sexual harassment. I myself was an obvious abuser. It is one thing to be open and honest about pedophilia, which is a good thing. But, when you make it obvious to the child's line of sight, that is a form of sexual harassment. Most pedophiles do have risk in relation to children, but pedophiles are the last adults to sexually abuse a child.
A pedophile is not simply "like our abuser, but smaller". The vast majority of pedophiles fit the profile of "little tykes". Many people believe that a "little tykes" pedophile can have what they want, as they don't go very far. However, even if isn't harmful, at what cost is there for the child being offered up to a sexually entitled adult. I oppose autism as an excuse for child abuse, and even if a survivor of a mentally disabled pedophile targets me, I reassure them as my enemy. Some survivors protect a mentally disabled abuser, and some prey on them - I actually am supportive to both types of trauma. If attacked by a survivor of preverbal trauma, I show them my Christian forgiveness before shunning them for abuse. I am cold comfort for anyone who has abused a child, including perpetrators of preverbal child sexual abuse. This movement takes up the attitude that some cases are worth excusing, but not me, because no adult is above the law. Maybe the abuser meant well, but it is not up to the survivors of preverbal child sexual abuse to care for their abuser. Maybe I am grateful for any forgiveness from survivors, but I don't insist on it.
Pedophiles are not anyone worth fearing. Most pedophiles a form of autism that involves child smarts. Most pedophiles are introverted with everyone but children. Pedophilia, as a genetic marker, happens alongside the genes for autism and mood disorders. Most people are generalizers in terms of worldview. Autism, however, involves smarts in the form of a specialty. A pedophile generally has a form of autism which specializes in children and children's rights. When you see a man with autism get along with a child, think pedophile. Most adults with autism find children annoying. Most pedophiles are incapable of parent anger or adult anger. The idea behind properly talking to the pedophile is to talk to them as if they are children, and the warmer your voice, the better. Most individuals with autism hate being talked to like a children, whereas a pedophile feels safe with a gentle parenting voice. Pedophiles don't need praise, but instead need accolades, with "accolades" referring to reassurance that you don't pose a threat to children, namely the phrase "you're not a threat". I myself am under investigation by the police, but during the gaslighting thread, I receive supportive messages from trauma survivors in the children's rights movement. I continue to cooperate with the authorities, and answer to the court of the police accordingly.
The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!
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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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