Monday, January 20, 2025

Children self-protect, adults abstain: Individual responsibility for preventing child sexual abuse

Many adults support child sexual abuse prevention. However, most anti-sexual abuse adults believe in collective responsibility, where the whole organization disowns the interloper. Many organizations end up using band-aid fixes that are simply a CYA precaution that has nothing to do with preventing child sexual abuse. The answer is children self-protecting and adults abstaining from child sexual abuse.

The Greek root word denoting lust is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look, and then maybe think the think later. However, if you find yourself doing the deed with a child, you shouldn't have anpproached her. Doing the deed includes any flirting or propositioning, or else touch a child anywhere on their body with sexual intent. There is only one way out of doing the deed - righteous masturbation. The idea is to explore all sexual possibilities, while landing at the same place - nothing except maybe with one's wife.

Most child sexual abuse takes place in sexually repressive environments, where adults repress their sex drive towards children. Usually, adults repressed a sex drive towards children. The problem with that setup is that repressing a sex drive often leads to the sex drive coming out sideways like a ton of bricks. 

Children can tell if you are safe as an adult. When a child repels from an adult when the adult in question poses an imminent risk to children. When children want to go with the adult in questioned, in the most objectifying manner, think pedophile of the non-offending type. 

It is a myth that only a pedophile would sexually abuse a child. However, every single adult is guilty merely for being capable of raping or sexually assaulting a child. The idea is to make sure all of your sexual needs are met, including child fantasies. When adults get their sexual needs met in relation to children, children are safe.

The home sexual dynamic is what trips up parents, especially fathers. The home sexual dynamic consists of a criss-cross, with fathers and daughters having a mutually unrequited sexual dynamic. The idea is to spend away the sexual passions felt by fathers toward his daughter. Boys usually were attracted to their mothers, but in the form of a dead end. Most child sexual abuse comes from the abovementioned sexual attachment between father and daughter. The idea is to identify as sexually attracted to children, in a calm and peaceable manner. Also, parents should masturbate righteously to sexual thoughts of their children, as a means of spending the attraction away most completely just by masturbating righteously.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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