Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Santa the rapist: Alternatives to sexually abusing a child this Christmas Eve

Many adults see the Christmas season as harmless and even magical. However, many children literally have a reason to dread Christmas. The fact of the matter is that Christmas Eve is a common time for fathers in particular to "give" to their children a rape or sexual assault as a "gift". They clearly don't like the fact that they are sexually entitled, but there are alternatives to raping your daughter this Christmas Eve.

I myself am a pedophile, and so I can see clearly how a sexual abuser of children could develop low-level sexual entitlement. Most child sexual abuse comes in the form of a repressed sexual desire for children, usually secondary in nature. Most pedophiles are already aware of their sex drive for children, and center it where it can harm nobody. Most sexual abusers of children instead have a secondary sexual attraction to children, usually towards teenagers or preteens. All adults ever tested had a sex drive for children somewhere down their spine.

What is the alternative to sexually abusing your child? The Greek root word denoting lust in the New Testament is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo). This word does not refer to any old sexual desire towards a child, but instead sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look, and then maybe think the think later. However, there is a big difference between thinking the think and doing the deed. "Doing the deed" refers to any flirting or propositioning children, or else touching a child anywhere on their body with sexual intent. If you feel your feet moving when you are around a sexually attractive child, that is a sign that you are a rapist. Most of the time, the approach to be avoided is one of sneaking into a child's bedroom in the middle of the night. A common time for child rape is Christmas Eve. This may make you feel bad for abusers, but they made the choice as per their lifestyle choices.

In Israel, there exists a custom where it is known on the surface if an adult is a sexual threat. There is one phrase to say confidently, looking for a good laugh - "pedophile going". An abuser will be able to say "pedophile going", but in a skittish, sheepish way. The age of consent in Israel is 17, with child sexual abuse being rare in Israel.

I myself am a former sexual abuser of children. If I was allowed to by the girl's parents, I would have snuggled with her Christmas Eve. However, my main entitlement involved not knowing the boundaries in relation to children. My crushes came in the form of train cars, with everyone around me hoping for the caboose. I would have never raped a child even during my days as an abuser, as I hated rape even then. I think it is cruel to rape a child on a night that should be wonderful and magical in nature. That affects the way a child will grow up to view Christmastime. The most I would do would have been snuggling with a child come nightfall, based off of a want for romantic closeness. 

Most survivors think that some cases of child sexual abuse are excusable, namely when the abuser has a severe mental disability. However, I support locking up even the most severe of sexual abusers with autism, as little things are capable of big things. I myself have autism, and I know myself when I have crossed a boundary - I get called a "creep". Whenever a child uses that word in her self-defense, I am scared. 

Most "Santa rapes", as they are called by sexual abuse professionals, involve a man who is trapped in a rut that he can't get out of, while doing everything to repress something that is dangerous to repress. They had a choice, as that urge is what your hand is for. You can tell that "Santa" rapists are desperate to get repressed desires out, but they should have simply masturbated righteously. That one teaching against masturbation is what ultimately condemns its adherents to their fates. 

There is a reason why Christmastime might be a difficult time for many trauma survivors. A common time for child rapes to occur is Christmas Eve. No child wants that sort of "gift" on Christmas Eve, especially if the abuser is cowardly enough to hide behind a Santa suit. Even as a pedophile, I abhor such abusers, as it is a choice to rape or sexually assault a child. 

Most adults are at-risk for sexually abusing a children. All they have to do is masturbate righteously to sexual thoughts of their child attraction figures, and then the rest is history. Most adults usually insist that they only fantasize about "over 18 fantasies" and even "I have a pedophile that I ignore". However, the idea behind any problematic sexual attraction is to admit to it openly, and face the troubling thoughts head on using righteous masturbation. Whenever a non-pedophilic survivor says "that's what your hand is for", they speak wise words. Even women usually have a risk of sexually abusing a child, namely the survivor-type woman who "swings low". 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and/or sexually assault children on Christmas Eve will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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