Friday, November 8, 2024

Anti-Autism: Why autism is not an excuse for abuse

Many parents think that autism is a condition that a child has. However, people with autism do grow up. Autism involves a narrow focus on something that the individual with the condition has a passion for. Most with autism are not good with children, meaning unless they are a pedophile, they are likely an abuser in relation to a child.

Many abusers of children have autism. Most autism homes where parents have autism are negligent homes, meaning autism has now become the new excuse for anyone with autism, including even child abuse.

I myself am a pedophilic adult with autism, and am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing as the pedophile autistic that I am. I myself have a sin list a mile long in relation to children. My narrow focus regarding my autism has long been towards the children. I want romantic closeness with children, which will never be acceptable given my age and maturity.

I myself am a sexual harasser of children by way of my autistic nature, and state the autism label with the utmost remorse. I myself followed young girls around a public place, and flirted with them using the "hey baby" wave. I am deserving of absolutely nothing from children, meaning I am to atone for everything that I did to children.

Most pedophiles with autism do not abuse children. However, when they do abuse children, they use their autism as an excuse. Most of the time, it isn't sexual abuse that is the main pattern of abuse in the case of ordinary autism, but plain old neglect. When the negligent parent is sexually abusive in their autistic ways, they are surely a pedophile, and the wrong kind. 

Most autistic individuals should not be parents, as they risk neglecting their child. Pedophiles with autism might make a good parent, if they go the attachment parenting route. If they decide to go the natural route of parenting, think pedophile if they are male. Most autistic men who are capable of nurturing children are pedophiles. Most autistic individuals who aren't pedophiles have the nurturing capacity of a rock. Most women with autism who are pro-child in their autistic vantagepoint are instead autopedophiles. If you are not a pedophile as a person with autism, do not become a parent, as you are unfit to be a parent. 

Anti-Autism does not mean banning the label altogether. It simply means opposing autism as a form of brain damage, and usually, it is a mixture of nature and nurture. Those who are genuinely autistic deserve nothing but our sympathy and empathy. But, they should be guided away from parenting and children, because they are too immature emotionally to understand children. Most with autism know to avoid children because they can't nurture well enough to care for a child. I myself am a pedophile with autism, and I do understand children enough that I could be a caregiver, but the child would have to choose me under my Christian beliefs, meaning I cannot speak to a child without the child speaking to me first. Even then, usually I get a wave "hi" from a friendly child who wasn't taught stranger danger, and it stops at that. Basically, Anti-Autism means that autism is a reason to pity someone, not excuse them for acts of abuse. 

Autism is a brain disease that has benefits, but also downfalls. Autism means either you are dumb in relation to children, or else smart in the most flawed of ways. Most adults with autism are cold on the nurturing. Some happen to be pedophiles, and they can nurture, if taught the skills to become a nurturer. Most pedophilic women have a non-nurturing form of autism, meaning they have an adult attraction to children that shouldn't be there.

I myself oppose autism rights because I misused the system, and thought that because I was autistic, that I was a "good person". Some of us as adults with autism are not good people, meaning I could pack a punch for a child if I wanted to, which I thankfully don't. I would mean it as a form of play that the child perceived as work. I do not hate everyone with autism, but instead don't hold an opinion until I meet the individual. Most of the time, I would not recommend parenting as a vocation for someone with autism. 

Autistic traits can occur in anyone. But, when there is an environmental trigger to the autistic genes, they come out as an inherent disorder. Autism is a compilation of specific extreme traits that can be found elsewhere, but more rarely. I oppose a cure for autism, but that is because it could lead to eugenic abortion. Even then, the more likely scenario is there never being a cure at all, because there is no one autistic genetic marker, meaning the genes can come in any order or compilation. But, many cases of autism are tragic, meaning it is a disease of the brain that can lead to an adult abusing or neglectiing a child.

The depraved and decadent autistic adults who provoke children to anger through neglect and sexual abuse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire designed as the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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