Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Mental health awareness month: Why pedophilia is a valid mental health diagnosis (or self-diagnosis)

Many parents fear their children being groomed and abused by other adults. This is a normal and valid fear for parents to have. However, many parents blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse epidemic. However, what if their child grows up into being a pedophile. The fact of the matter is that pedophilia can be diagnosed as young as 16, and can be identified even earlier.'

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. In the DSM-5 criteria, there exists the language "recurrent, intense sexual fantasies, urges, OR behavior" involving sexual relations with a child under age 14. Pedophilia is an affinity attraction to children, meaning that the pedophile is one with the child, usually being able to empathize with children on their level. Pedophilia is an inborn mental illness, meaning it is genetic on the same lines as autism or ADHD. Attraction to children is a male trait, found also in females at the secondary level with teenage boys. Pedophilia is a humanizing attraction in most cases, meaning that pedophiles are more likely to see children as full human beings than non-pedophiles.

Why would God create a pedophile if they can't have what they want? A pedophile operates as a parallel parent, meaning that in the Early Church, specially suited deacons took in children who fled from an abusive home. The child was given a choice in the Early Church - parents or the pedophile of their choice. If the child chose the parents, that was deemed the proper placement for children. But, usually, abused children chose pedophiles, and the pedophile was praised by statements such as "that's a match made in Heaven", with the women especially praising the pedophile with her gentle parenting voice. A pedophile, however, is born in original sin, as they are designed by nature to rape the child as sexual ransom. However, the ordinances of the Early Church prohibited pedophiles from demanding sexual ransom from children. The sexual aspect of the relationship with the orphaned child was kept away from the child, with the pedophile masturbating righteously and avoiding the child righteously, with the avoidance being as much as possible given the close relationship the pedophile had with the child. The pedophile, when dealing with little children, lactated to nurse the child back to health. But, approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons was unacceptable under church ordinance.

It is a myth that pedophiles are ineligible for salvation. The myth comes from another myth - that pedophiles can only masturbate to thoughts of children, which in the eyes of many alleged Christians, leads to the real thing, at least eventually. The fact of the matter is that the Greek root word for lust and inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary desire, but instead sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The way out of approaching young girls with your eyes glazed over is to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, giving yourself something to look forward to at the end of the day. As per masturbating to the girl or boy you saw, why not? Masturbation to thoughts of children re-channels the sexual desire inwards. Pedophiles, by the clinical definition of the word, may need to find some aversion imagery of their own. I myself am a pedophile, and I refer to images of Hell as a deterrent for approaching a young girl. If I even take the first steps to approach a young girl, I have committed a mortal sin. The only way to undo that sin is to flee fornication, and about-face every time you find yourself approaching a child. The idea is to be aware fully of your intent towards children, and if there is any sexual zing to the intent towards a child, avoid that intent. If a pedophile can follow those guidelines, they can be saved.

The main threat to pedophiles is mandatory reporting laws, which exist in all 50 states. A pedophile takes a gamble every time they go to seek out a therapist. The therapist usually is a help entitled therapist, meaning they think they can cure the disorder with aversive conditioning, such as snapping rubber bands whenever the pedophile is attracted to a child. The worst case scenario is a pedophile being reported to the authorities just for disclosing that they are a pedophile to a therapist. It is best to abolish the mandatory reporting laws, and enable victims to make historical reports of child abuse by also abolishing the statute of limitations. It is a myth that victims make things up. Witnesses have been known to make up stories as a form of police stalking, and that is what a pedophile has to fear. A child almost never lies about abuse - it can seem made up, but that speaks to the low level that child sexual abuse usually occurs. In most countries, there is no statute of limitations. What pedophiles fear when going to see a therapist is being reported to the police. Depending on what state you are in, the training of mandatory reporters might be exclusionary to actual pedophiles, basically banning that necessary word when in a therapy setting. Many therapists are afraid of treating pedophiles because they might be cited by the authorities if anything did happen.

What does a pedophile need? What I got from my mental health professionals - listening and validation. It is actually rare that a pedophile needs praise. Pedophilia, in and of itself, is like baggage. A therapist should be the place to unload that baggage. Pedophilia is actually on the same level of the brain as childhood trauma - right at the parent level of the brain. A pedophile is a sexually motivated parent. But, if they can identify, especially in an anguished or tearful way, they deserve listening and validation, I myself have people to talk to concerning my pedophilia. Thus, the baggage is gone, and I can relax.

Most pedophiles are alarmed at the self-realization that they are a pedophile, and this causes a crisis that is worst during the mid-late teen years. It is in the form of intrusive thoughts about sexual relations with children. They usually start out as urges, because the pedophile feels the need to fight back any cursory sexual thoughts they have towards children. The more you fight something that surface-level, the stronger it gets. The only way out is in - meaning masturbation soothes the soul and causes you to surrender to the fact that you are a pedophile. What should parents look for in a potential offender? A tone-deaf disclosure. 

I first discovered that I was a pedophile by reading the DSM-IV, back when that was the psychiatrist's bible. From there, I fetishized the disorder I had, owning up to the fact that I was loony and insane. I didn't think, however, that anything I would do would be abusive or improper towards a child. I thought only other pedophiles would do such a thing. Then, when I joined the Virtuous Pedophiles forum, I saw that a whole bunch of guys had their head on straight when interacting with children, and I was chastised by the star pedophile Todd Nickerson on being too impulsive. I ignored his advice, but it planted a seed, as did advice from my therapist. I wanted a sleepover with a young girl, which I now know that no parent would allow their daughter to sleep next to a flaming pedophile. I was an obvious abuser, meaning I approached young girls for sexual and flirtatious reasons while on the surface, and did the deed by propositioning and flirting with them. I put them in a role that falsely appointed them as spouse and caregiver. I, however, will never forget approaching a young girl for flirtatious reasons, and then she got scared - I felt so little, so guilty, that I never approached a young girl again. I, as a pedophile, am easily convicted by children. All they have to do is set a boundary, and I have to obey.

Pedophilia is a valid mental health diagnosis. All a pedophile needs is to unload the baggage, and then masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. Pedophilia usually does not come in the form of a narcissist, but in the form of intrusive thoughts that maybe the pedophile should be honest with themselves about through masturbation to sexual fantasies of children. A pedophile, in most cases, however, is averse to masturbation, out of the old fear that it will lead to the real thing. However, most pedophiles are exclusive, and thus they aren't attracted to women their own age and place in life. A pedophile like that will never know love, in most cases. The disorder is inherently pathological, due to the fact that it is a sexual desire towards a child, which is what I classify as a Christian as original sin.

Pedophilia, in children, is a motive for parents and caregivers to correct and punish the pedophilia out of the child. Many parents think discouraging mention of pedophilia is a way to help the pedophile. The same stigma applies to pedophiles that applies to ordinary trauma survivors - everyone wants to help you, while not being much of a help at all. Most people think that pedophilia is a disorder that shouldn't be there. Those that do understand see the disorder as tragic, while allowing the pedophile their own thoughts. 

The depraved and decadent adults who punish and correct pedophilia in children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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