Saturday, April 20, 2024

Anti-Autism: Inside the mind of an obvious abuser

Many parents think that pedophiles are the only ones out to get their children. This is a common belief amongst American parents. Most child sexual abuse is not committed by pedophiles, and most pedophiles don't commit child sexual abuse. However, there are exceptions to this rule. I myself am an obvious abuser. I disclose this to use myself as an example of what antisocial traits to look for in a pedophile. Most pedophiles who have a narcissist have a suicidal narcissist. The most common pedophilic offender has no narcissist.

There are two different types of pedophile disclosure - tearful and tone-deaf. Most pedophiles who disclose their pedophilia are tearful about it, and that is how you can tell that they are deserving of listening and validation. Usually, it isn't a narcissist, but simply a private topic. Any narcissist they do have is called a "kamakaze" narcissist, meaning a hidden plan to self-destruct once caught being a pedophile.

The main pedophilic offender is the obvious abuser. An obvious abuser acts on the surface level, and does not know the boundaries in adult-child interactions. They usually disclose not through tears, but by a statement that is completely tone-deaf - they don't get how serious people think the disclosure is. I myself was that type of abuser.

An obvious abuser has crushes on children, usually one by one, like train cars. They become fixated on a specific child, and that child becomes the subject of an autistic fixation. Most pedophilic offenders are spousifying offenders, meaning they put their victims on a pedestal, idealizing their victims in a way that places them in an adult role.

I myself approached several young girls for purposes of propositioning them. With one victim, she called me a "creep" and was accused of autism hatred by her mother after she put a stop to my approach. My approach involved waving flirtatiously to young girls, and otherwise following them around. I wanted to be invited to one of their homes, in which case I would likely commit the moral offense of forced affection.

If a pedophile appears like me, and doesn't seem to understand the gravity behind the "pedophile" label, they are obvious abusers. I myself would have used the label "autism" as an excuse for child abuse, not "pedophile". I am visibly autistic, and that caused many parents to let down their guard, because the threat they are looking for is something hidden. Most pedophiles who sexually offend against children operate on the surface, in the most excusable of ways. 

However, even pedophilic offenders need to be stopped. The way to stop them is very easy - teach your child about the dangers of giving personally identifiable information to strangers. Children should also be taught to assert themselves to pedophiles. That is their weak spot, as an actual pedophile doesn't get angry at children, meaning adult anger is missing in their emotional repertoire. An actual pedophile is convicted by the rejection of a child, and then learns their lesson through hard knocks. For me, when a child is upset at me, I'm scared. That fear sets me straight.

Most pedophiles are rather distant in their interactions with children, and only disclose in a tearful manner. Most pedophiles hate being a pedophile, and hate themselves along with it. Pedophilia, to a pedophile, is a private topic that is obvious to them, but with others being totally oblivious to what kind of anguish they are in. For them, the only way out is in, meaning masturbation is a way for them to feel comfortable in their own skin. Some pedophiles commit suicide, usually when suddenly found out, usually as a backup plan for if they are found out. 

Little things are capable of big things. A pedophile of the wrong calibur usually has a mental disability, and doesn't understand the harm they are imposing on a child. It is the same kind of rape or sexual assault that most children endure, but maybe a bit more celebratory than an ordinary sexual abuser. Their victims compare them to a warny figure who tries to be your friend, in all the wrong ways. I am capable of that type of abuse. Most pedophiles are more likely to self-isolate and avoid children, and do so unnecessarily. They can interact with children all they want, and it would actually be good for both child and pedophile. I can't interact with children, except in the capacity of being a caregiver, such as a babysitter. I take responsibility for sexually abusing a child in the obvious way that I did.

Most pedophiles won't ever abuse a child like I did. Most pedophiles instead are more likely to self-abuse, and are more likely to commit suicide, when they pose very little danger to children. Most pedophiles are the type of adult to admit to their adult privilege, to use leftist terminology. Most pedophiles are convicted adults, meaning they are remorseful in their role as an adult in relation to children. Most adults are at higher risk of sexually abusing a child than pedophiles. That is because most adults are repressing adult attraction to children. Pedophiles, on the other hand, can't repress it except through not masturbating, and even then, they still get urges in place of fantasies that can be easily tracked, which they know about. Most pedophiles are blatantly aware of being a pedophile, and want the desires to go away. Most sexual abusers instead have a secondary attraction that they are ignoring, which comes out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks.

I was a member of the Virtuous Pedophiles forum for 4 years. I stood out from the beginning, with me gushing about child crushes. I quickly found out that a lot of pedophiles had it together when I didn't. Most of them were the depressive types, and many of them seemed to be normal individuals, whereas I was the one oddball that was impulsive. One prominent member, Todd Nickerson, warned me against going to the house of a crush for a sleepover, which was a want I expressed blatantly and obviously. Most members of VirPed were jaded in a depressive way, like they knew how wrong it was to pursue children for a sleepover, and that knowing that child sexual abuse is wrong was like commonsense to them. Most pedophiles don't go up to young girls and ask for their number and address. Most pedophiles go as far as they can from questioning a child in order to proposition them. That's something I did wrong, and need to atone for that offense.

I myself am a pedophile. I am primarily sexually attracted to girls between the ages of 6-16, with my peak attraction being centered at ages 11-12. I have committed a string of sexual offenses against children. I committed them as an autistic fixation. I wanted to be friends with children, but in the worst of ways, meaning I put them in a parentified role. I wanted a child to nurture me, even though I was the adult in the interaction. I am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children as the pedophilic adult that I am. I didn't have this sense of humility before, but I am children's rights to the core now, and that means taking up an attitude of adult guilt. All adults are guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and even if they haven't abused a child, they sure are capable of doing so. All adults need to take into account their adult footprint, meaning atone for being the adult that they are. Don't we all have a depraved and decadent sinful nature in relation to children as adults? 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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