Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Pedophile sensitivity: How mental health professionals can be supportive to pedophiles

Many people try to be sensitive to pedophiles, but aren't. Most people avoid pedophile sensitivity because they think it is too arduous of a task. I am not deserving of sensitivity as the Christian pedophile that I am. But, I humbly ask that you hear me out on what sensitivity helps out pedophiles like me. The idea of pedophiles being "help beings" is what needs to go first.

Most of the sensitivity towards pedophiles centers around the concept that pedophiles are "help beings". The fact of the matter is that a pedophile can help him/herself. There is no need to impose help on a pedophile. Many of the old ideas of pedophile sensitivity do not work with pedophiles. Pedophiles also don't need praise, as pedophiles aren't looking for praise when disclosing their self-diagnosis to a mental health professional.

What do pedophiles need? They need listening and validation in the form of compassionate empathy. In my experience as disclosing my self-diagnosis of pedophilia to a mental health professional, the therapist acted in a sensitive manner, in a way that was in tune with her instinct. Most women are in touch with their womanly intuition these days, and that womanly intuition tells women to trust pedophiles when the pedophile lights up as trustworthy.

I got what I needed as a pedophile, and thus my advocacy for pedophiles is gratitude-based. All I needed was somebody to talk to. That's what I got, and from there, my therapist did confront me on distorted thinking about a child crush of mine. That may not have initially received well, but it planted a seed. I had to hear the upset of a child concerning my actions towards them. I today have a mother to talk to concerning my pedophilia. 

Pedophiles also don't need help when it comes in the form of fixing them up with a partner. Most pedophiles are immature on the level of their attraction figure, but know intuitively that it will never work. Most pedophiles are not pedophiles in a future context, meaning the majority of pedophiles are anti-contact, meaning they support the age of consent being at least where it is now. I am opposed to sexual relations with children because children's rights is about denying your self-entitlement towards children, and atoning for your adult status. The Bible, in context, prohibits intergenerational marriage, as all marriages must have some equality in them. 

The biblical stance towards pornography is clear. God hates that sort of smut for its mere existence. That means also writings and statues can count as pornography. I, even as a pedophile, want nothing to do with pornography, period. I am to hate pornography just as God does, and find a reason to hate pornography just as God does. Even in the case of cartoon pornography, it is defamatory towards actual children, depicting children as sexualized creatures as opposed to human beings, and thus I am to hate even that form of pornography. Many pedophiles have a different view on pornography, where cartoon images are to be kept legal and/or legalized where banned. I won't let that happen as a child advocate, because all pornography, including even writings or cartoons, is disrespectful to children.

A pedophile does not need to do anything but masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. A common mistake that many therapists make is that a pedophile, in their eyes, shouldn't be masturbating. This is a common mistake that therapists make. Masturbation to sexual thoughts of children doesn't require an image. When a pedophile has to look at those images, they are defending a pornography addiction, and can easily redirect their image use towards personal thoughts by calling to memory what the last image you saw was, and then masturbating to that memory only. 

Some pedophiles do abuse children. 1 in 4 pedophiles have had sexual contact with a child. In most cases, they are parents of the negligent type, and/or don't know the boundaries around children. I myself was an obvious abuser. An obvious abuser has a fixation on an individual child, with the fixations coming like train cars, with everyone around the offender hoping for the caboose. Think the creep who follows a child home from school, or else tries to flirt with children who were walking home from school. Most pedophiles abuse on the surface, in the form of sexual harassment. Those who become parents are usually negligent parents, meaning they put the child into adult roles such as caregiver and/or spouse. Most pedophiles didn't even do that. 3 out of 4 pedophiles have never had sexual contact with a child. Most adults actually have abused a child in their track record as individual adults, and so the fact that 3 out of 4 pedophiles abstain from abusing children is quite a feat. 

Some pedophiles are narcissists, but they usually are the nervous type. Pedophiles can be very dangerous if they come to the conclusion that they are "cured". If they think they are suddenly "cured", they aren't acknowledging their sexual drive towards children, and are bound to rape or sexually assault a child if in the right/wrong situation. I myself avoid narcissism by way of righteous masturbation. A pedophile narcissist has not acknowledged their sexual drive, meaning it comes out sideways when the offender is alone with a child. For the time being, when recovering their pedophilia, they have to avoid any interaction with children. Some victim/abusers with pedophilia, including myself, have to avoid children in the same way.

Most pedophiles are actually safer around children than most adults. Most pedophiles are blatantly aware of their sexual side towards children, and usually just want the thoughts to go away, when they actually need to come to terms with their thoughts. For that type of pedophile, seeking company with children can actually be helpful to them. I myself went straight to acceptance, and took it too far, as I was pro-contact when I was younger. By the time I got lithium treatment for my bipolar disorder, I was ready to unlearn my pro-contact ways. I actually found my mothers advice about the harm of sexual abuse in her therapy clients to be helpful. I actually want to be reminded of my risk, and being surrounded by trauma survivors keeps me level-headed - I appreciate the accountability.

What is the biggest modern threat to pedophiles? The abusers themselves. Most adults who sexually abuse children, when confronted, say the line "you are the pedophile just for thinking of me like that". Usually, the person bringing up pedophiles is not a pedophile, but is simply an adult who chose to sexually abuse a child. A true child rapists reeks from a mile away - they usually act as anti-pedophile vigilantes who accuse everyone around them of being pedophiles. I don't want to hear it as a medical excuse. Most pedophiles don't fit this vigilante profile. The more they oppose "pedophiles", the more everyone else who doesn't see the nuance sees "pedophiles" as the problem, in the form of an antisocial "rumor". The actual pedophiles only constitute 1-2% of the male population, and their excuse is instead "autism" when they feel the need to excuse past behavior. When you hear "I am a pedophile", you are dealing with a pedophile, but have no fear - they are not a threat at all if they are aware of it at that level. Abusers need to stop identifying by "pedophiles" as a projectory excuse, as a pedophile does not operate on the narcissist level in most cases.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who prey on children and project onto pedophiles will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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