Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Pedophile salvation: Why pedophiles can be saved Christians

Many people hate pedophiles. Most people who support pedophiles openly think that pedophiles should have what they want. For most people, the core of the pedophilia debates is the age of consent. However, the core issue facing most people is their salvation. Most pedophiles are unsaved, and the reason that they are unsaved should break your heart. 

What is a pedophile? Most people think that a pedophile is something hidden that ambushes a child, or anyone for that matter. Most pedophiles have a form of autism where the focus is on children's rights, known as child-centered autism. In most cases, pedophiles have an autistic special interest in children's rights, and in those cases, pedophilia is the understory of the interest in child protection. A pedophile has a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14, usually associated with developmental immaturity at the level of their age range, in most case associated with a primary diagnosis of autism or ADHD. Most individuals with autism are annoyed by children, so when you see someone with autism get along with a child in a nurturant way, think pedophile. Most female children's rights autistics are instead autopedophiles, meaning that they are attracted to pedophiles. When a boy with autism is interested in children's rights, and the interest starts after puberty, think pedophile.

The core of the pedophile community is anti-Christian, and there is a reason why - we as a Christian community have dumped the pedophiles, and when Christians do help pedophiles, they help in the wrong way. Most Christians are against masturbation, and most even are opposed to men looking at women for the sake of sexual attraction - and it is these religious prejudices that leave pedophiles behind.

The core of the hysteria comes from the false and abusive Christian belief that pedophiles shouldn't masturbate. Most Christians oppose pedophiles masturbating because of the false and abusive belief that masturbation leads to the real thing. Due to this belief, most people think that a pedophile has a predestined court date once they abuse a child.

The Greek root word denoting lust or inordinate affections is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. When you find yourself approaching random women, or worse, children, you know you are entitled. The only way out is in, meaning the only way to quiet down the dims and cool the jets is to masturbate.

The core of the pedophile hysteria does not come from children's rights advocates. The hysteria instead comes from the Roman Catholic Church. The core of the hysteria started with the romanization of the Western Church. Before then, pedophiles served as "child saviors", or deacons dedicated to providing orphaned children with a loving home. A pedophile is a parent, but in parallel format, but today, there is no work for them to do, due to the corruption of their former home. Today, pedophiles are not protected by the Roman Catholic Church, but instead are oppressed while a member of the Roman Catholic church body. The Roman Catholic church maintains a masturbation ban, meaning admitting it to anyone is grounds for excommunication.

All of the children's rights hysteria against pedophiles is completely fake, meaning it never was intended to go this far. The intent behind the bellowing about pedophiles was to gain opposition, but the welcome form of opposition. What didn't help was that the pedophiles that were sent by the other side disrupted the peace of the community, and caused trouble. Nearly all of them committed a string of rapes. For many of them, however, they would have made it, if it wasn't for the rapes they committed. The survivors slowly became anti-pedophile, when they used to have no problem with pedophiles, if the pedophile was the right kind - the little kind. "Little tykes" is a profile of pedophile that makes up the majority of pedophiles, meaning most pedophiles are immature due to a developmental disability, usually moderate-severe autism. I myself fit the pedophile profile of "little tykes".

All pedophiles have a shot at salvation. It is a myth that pedophiles can never be saved - and that is the core of all the pedophile hysteria out there. Mere sexual attractions are not impediments to salvation. We as fallen humans have a choice as to whether we want to change or not - and change is what God grades ultimately. A pedophile is capable of a change of heart just like any other saved Christian. I myself might have had a change of heart, but I'll let others decide that, including children. I look around, and find nothing wrong. Maybe I masturbate too much, but given the fact that masturbation was allowed in the Early Church, I think I am okay. If I do go to Hell, it would be a surprise, given the choices I have made while alive. It is a myth that God would turn on someone just for their existence. God punishes choices. Some of us have gotten to the point where we know that we are deserving of nothing but non-existence. I am deserving of nothing but non-existence just for being the pedophilic adult that I am. 

Most pedophiles are anti-parent in their children's rights stance. However, they filter the parents by way of hating Christian parents in particular. In the pedophile world at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum, most pedophiles are the skeptic variety of atheist, full of hatred against the Christian community. That is so sad, how we as Christians have turned them away. I myself have a parent trauma, but I filter the parents by a simple entitlement test, as my Christian parents did not push their progressive Christian beliefs onto me. One of the things they did right was allow me the right to pick my own religion. I was more abused by behavioral modification strategies on the part of both my parents and the adults they extended into their lives. If I was abused in the name of God, I might not be a Christian. 

I myself am an ex-atheist. I misused the mechanism, and didn't know how much I needed God until I had a change of heart. I myself point out that I sexually offended a child in the past, in the form of sexual harassment. I point this out for a reason - most pedophiles are virtuous, and I am not one of them. If you want to spot an abuser pedophile, look for the yappy, happy-go-lucky type of pedophile who doesn't respect boundaries. That was me. Most pedophiles have depression and anxiety issues due to trauma from sexually shaming parents. Most virtuous pedophiles cry when they disclose their mental health condition to someone else. If they say it like it means nothing, they are what we call an obvious abuser. Us obvious abusers made pedophiles look bad. 

What is the most serious threat to pedophiles? The abusers themselves. The bulk of child rapists are anti-pedophiles, meaning they fashion themselves in an anti-pedophile way, accusing parents left and right for "being pedophiles". Most people know about pedophiles, then drop the subject. If you constantly try to accuse others of "being pedophiles" without evidence or victim testimony, you yourself are a child rapist. All of the decent people these days identify as pro-pedophile, meaning they support pedophiles identifying in a clinical celebratory fashion. Most adults have abused a child, in some way, in some form. Pedophiles, however, are the last of adults to sexually abuse a child. Most "creep catchers" have a poor track record at protecting children. The average excuse for child sexual abuse is "you are the pedophile merely for thinking that about me". However, most of the adults making that excuse are not pedophiles, and thus are lumping the two concepts together, when they belong separate. A pedophile is not the same thing as a child rapist. A child rapist usually abuses once, in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Most pedophiles have never had sexual contact with a child, and thus pedophiles are the least likely to abuse a pedophile.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descent into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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