Friday, March 1, 2024

How to deal with parent attraction

 Many parents have a side of them that they don't like, and makes them feel isolated. Parent attraction is a common form of parental entitlement. All parents who have been asked by professionals about parent attraction have indicated that they have such attraction. Here's the surprise for you as a parent attracted to their children - it's normal. It is normal for fathers in particular to be attracted to their children, namely their daughters, but also sometimes their sons.

Most men report in studies some attraction to teenagers. 20% of men report sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Most child sexual abuse starts between the ages of 10-14, with 1 in 10 children suffering rape or sexual assault before their 18th birthday. Parent attraction to one's own children is universal among fathers. The only way out is in, through righteous masturbation.

The Greek root word denoting lust or inordinate affections in the New Testament is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The moment you take the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons, the moment you become guilty by way of your entitlement. The worst moral crime imaginable against a child is not the sexual fantasy of sex with a child, but instead doing the deed with a child. 

All fathers, and some mothers, are capable of child sexual abuse. The risk varies from person to person, but risk factors involve access to children and avoidance of masturbation. I myself am a pedophile. I admit that I have risk for sexually abusing children. It currently isn't much, but it is worth taking seriously any risk you might have. If I sought out the company of children, I likely would be doing so for the wrong reasons, and so I avoid even speaking with children, and by extension, avoid speaking in public at all.

All fathers are attracted to their children, at some level. Pedophile fathers are only attracted to their children, and the friends that they bring home. Most child sexual abuse comes from a secondary attraction that is repressed. When you repress anything, it comes out sideways, and thus repressed sexual desires come out sideways, usually after the adult consciously feels urges towards a child.

The sexual dynamic that should be out in the open comes out as a criss-cross, meaning fathers and daughters are attracted to each other in a mutually unrequited manner, and sons are attracted mothers without the mother reciprocating, like a dead end. God considers acting on these attractions, at all, to be fornication by way of rape/sexual assault. But, it is important that members of a given household experience these feelings of attraction with each other, without acting on it. Most girls show their attraction to their fathers by dressing in a showy or revealing manner when walking around the house. That is all a man can for from his daughter, as acting on it is a moral crime against God directly.

Fathers should also note that their children won't always be attracted to them. Once they reach the onset of puberty, they want same age peers, meaning both boys and girls, to each other. God, however, has set a clear standard as to where sexual relations should be channeled - within a marriage. Thus, parents should always supervise when their children bring home a boyfriend or girlfriend, and supervise all dates. Parents have the moral duty to send home the paramour of their child, and be protective in that way. A young girl should be a virgin until the day she is married.

Fathers are likely to be sexually attracted to daughters all the way through adolescence. This is normal, and is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is something very different, and is a primary or exclusive sexual preference towards children. Most pedophiles knew they had such attractions from the time they were in their mid teens, seeing themselves growing up, but their attractions staying the same in terms of age. Most fathers who are attracted to their daughters feel the same way, but only temporarily.

Most men out there are likely aware at some level of their parent attractions, but are afraid to feel it, and so they only fantasize about attraction figures "over age 18". The answer to solving the child sexual abuse epidemic in this country is facing such unwanted thoughts head on, through masturbatory fantasy. It should be no shame to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, as long as it stays at the level of masturbation. 

After a while, parents should find themselves with their parent attractions spent away. After the attractions are spent away, you will only have to revisit such fantasies occasionally. The fantasies should also be a bit tamer than they first were. Most fathers report having urges for their children, usually their daughters, and those urges are a sign that they are repressing a sexual attraction to children. Masturbation dims the lights and quiets things down. 

Fathers in biblical times masturbated to sexual fantasies of their daughters, and sometimes their sons. This made men more nurturing towards children, but in an encouraging way that made learning about Scripture fun. Fathers stood by and left the woman of the house take charge with close nurturing. Fathers nurtured from a distance, in a teaching way, instructing both boys and girls in the Lord. Fathers remained distant due to knowing that they are attracted to their children.

I am a pedophile, and thus my personal struggle as an adult in relation to children is sexual entitlement. I often notice young girls when they show exposed skin, especially in the summer months. The child is colored in a way that makes me find them attractive. It is a connotational attraction that is easy to manage and avoid. When I masturbate, it dims the light and quiets things down, purging unrequited attractions.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of everlasting Hell-fire! Repent! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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