Friday, March 22, 2024

Children self-protect, adults abstain: Individual responsibility for adults at-risk for sexually abusing children

Many parents want to know how to keep their children safe from sexual predators. Most parents don't like the answer to that question - parents are individually responsible for any rape or sexual assault that they commit against their child. The adults who rape and sexually assault children are solely responsible for the rapes that they commit. That's what it is - rape. 

What drives most child sexual abuse? Most rape or sexual assault of children happens when an adult represses their sexual drive towards children - which all adults have - and then the repressed desire comes out the other end, hitting the child victim like a ton of bricks. All adults are capable of this sort of mayhem under the right/wrong conditions, which usually involves a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rape or sexually assault a child.

The Greek root word denoting lust or inordinate passions is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo). This word does not refer to ordinary sexual desire, but instead to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. It is okay to look the look at a child, or think the think about a child. However, it is unlawful under God's Law to approach the approach, or do the deed with a child. Approaching a child means walking up to them with intent to proposition them, or else traveling to their house. The very first step towards a child with the intent of doing the deed with them is adult sexual entitlement. The way around this moral statute is to save the memory for later, and think the think about the child.

Collective responsibility is not the answer to child protection. That is because the whole collective of adults are collectively responsible as a cohort of individuals. All adults carry a risk to children. Put most American adults in the right/wrong environment, and they will abuse a child. That is because of their lifestyle choices, meaning adults usually repress adult attraction to children, which is the wrong choice about any human drive. The only way out is in. Face those fears and start exploring your sexual desires for children.

When a child is raped, the child rapist is solely responsible for the moral atrocities that they perpetrate towards children. This is what anti-rape feminists often say about rape against a woman. Only a few profiles frequently rape women. With child rape, it can be any old adult raping the child. The excuse is usually the same as the rape of an adult women - the child rapist is the modesty police, but towards children. They usually say they are keeping children safe from predators, not realizing their own rape-actions.

I myself, as a pedophile, do not insist on modesty. I am attracted to children, and have sexually harassed a few children in my time. I don't mind a young girl showing off skin, especially in the summer when they wear revealing clothing. Most pedophilic offenders instead have a tendency to crush on children. An obvious abuser is an abuser who makes their crush on a specific child obvious, in a way that can be perceived as creepy by the child. I am more afraid of the child's reaction than anything.

How can children self-protect? Children have profiling instincts of their own, and thus should be encouraged to trust their gut. Children can take one look at an adult, and tell if they are safe or not. When a child refuses to go with an adult, don't force them to go, as you can doubt the safety of an adult just for that. In an ideal world, children should be able to stormtrooper anyone who sexually harasses them, keeping the adults in line. I let the children of the world keep me in line, meaning they can call me a creep, and then I know that I crossed a line. The child draws the line in the sand with adults, and have the right to discard of any adult that makes them feel unsafe.

Children self-protect. Adults abstain. For the adult, the "adults abstain" acronym is what should be focused on. Don't we all as adults have a sexual risk towards children? I myself acknowledge my risk towards children, and take steps to avoid sexually harassing any more children. I am not allowed, under my Christian beliefs, to even speak to a child unless they speak to me first. I am not allowed to even wave at a child unless they wave to me first. My only way of admiring someone else's child is smiling at them, which is something I haven't misused. 

Part of child protection is respecting the boundaries of children. Children, for example, shouldn't have to hug relatives at Easter dinner if they don't want a hug. I might want a hug from a child, but they have the right to say "no", in which case the child is right, and I am wrong. 

It is a myth that pedophiles are the only ones abusing children. Pedophiles make up 1-2% of the male population, whereas 1 in 10 children experience sexual abuse of some sort from adults. All these cases can't all come from pedophiles. Most pedophiles are actually the last of adults to sexually abuse children, because they are usually aware of their pedophilia. The type of sexual abuse that a pedophile is most capable of takes place in a permissive environment where children are put in the role of caregiver and spouse. They usually has a mental disability that hinders their understanding of the harm of their actions. I myself struggle with negligent attitudes towards children, meaning I literally saw a young girl as a spouse caregiver. I now am conditioned to be the bigger person in relation to a child, and nurture them. A pedophile, in most cases, is a man that mothers, meaning a pedophile can be just as warm and doting with children as a mother. In biblical times, pedophiles took in foster children, and demanded nothing in return for their act of charity towards a child.

Most child sexual abuse comes from the electra complex. The sexual dynamics in any home is supposed to be like a criss-cross. The electra complex refers to a mutually unrequited sexual dynamic between fathers and daughters. Child sexual abuse happens when the father takes advantage of the situation, usually by first repressing sexual desires towards his daughter, then with the rape coming out like a ton of bricks. The father could have easily masturbated to the sexual thoughts of his daughter, but no - he had to have it all the way, which is parent sexual entitlement. A healthy expression of the electra complex is perhaps daughters dressing down for fathers, and fathers enjoying what he sees. Most daughters will show skin to a father they trust, but if the father receives a sexual proposition from his daughter, he is mandated to say "no" under God's Law. Lev. 18:17 was interpreted in biblical times as any sexual relations with a young girl, even when her mother wasn't there, as mother-daughter sexual abuse was one way that sexual abuse went then. Fathers who had sexual relations with their daughters at all were put to death by way of burning the offender at the stake.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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