Monday, March 4, 2024

Body image issues in girls: The biblical solution to body image issues in girls

Many girls these days suffer from body dysphoria. It is seen as a complex issue that has a complex solution. However, most girls these days struggle with body image issues for a certain reason - lack of male influence in their beauty habits. Most girls in biblical times were very proud of their body, for a simple reason - the father was there to give them a boost.

The sexual dynamics of a Christian attachment parenting home comes in the form of an uneven criss-cross. Fathers and daughters are attracted to each other, in a mutually unrequited format. Boys were attracted to their mothers in the form of a dead end - mothers saw above the sexual dynamics of the household, and protected both her children from any adult attracted to them.

However, there are benefits to fathers being attracted to their daughter. Those benefits come for the daughter, and not her father. Her father gives her a boost. Most girls dress in a revealing way because they want to look pretty to the opposite sex. That member of the opposite sex, during the prepubescent years, is the girl's father. 

Daughter attraction to fathers comes in the form of revealing dress around the family home. She usually wants sexual relations with their fathers, but cannot have it due to moral reasons. The father has the moral obligation to turn down any advances from his daughter. Most child sexual abuse, in biblical times, happened when daughters introduced alcohol into the home. But, the father, in every case tried in court, was put to death by way of burning at the stake.

Sexual relations with daughters by fathers should never happen. Not now. Not anytime in the future. All a sexual dynamic in the household is good for is making daughters feel happier about their bodies. Most fathers get nothing in return but a revealing outfit in eyeshot, and that's usually all he needs, and then some. 

This dynamic ends for the daughter once she reaches the onset of puberty, in which case she is attracted to boys her age. If she is attracted to her mother, she is gay - a parent should pity a gay child, as that is the worst fate known to man or woman. Most daughters are attracted to partners like the parent that they are attracted to. 

Young girls need a father in their life that is totally after them, in a way that he will never get. Chances are, all the father needs to do is masturbate righteously to sexual fantasies of his daughter, and then that solves the problem right there. But, girls attracted to their fathers need to know that it is just a fantasy on their part. The sexual dynamic between father and daughters should be mutually unrequited.

It should be made clear that sexual relations between adults and children will never be acceptable. Anyone who misuses my advice to sexually groom a child will pay the price, if not in this world than in the next. But, it is normal for fathers and daughters to be attracted to each other. Them actually doing something sexual with her should remain unlawful until the end of time. 

It is okay to feel sexually for your daughter, however. It is a normal male drive, that can only be dealt with in masturbation. The only way out is in. Masturbation should dim the lights and cool the jets, meaning just one session of planned masturbation should ease your mind about your daughter. You might just settle for checking her out. I myself am a pedophile, and I keep my sexual desires from driving me by masturbating to sexual fantasies of children. Most pedophiles who have a low risk towards children get by just on masturbation. Take one masturbation test to see if you are attracted to your daughter, and then you will blow your mind. Adults should be aware of their attractions to children, so that it does not come out sideways. Any time you repress something, it is bound to come out somehow. 

The Greek root word denoting lust or inordinate affections in the New Testament is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Approaching your daughter for sexual reasons starts the moment you make advances towards them. This word does not refer, however, to masturbation. Masturbation is what keeps adults from approaching children for sexual reasons. It was how fathers dealt with their parent attractions in biblical times. It is okay to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, but it isn't okay to actually act on such thoughts with a child in the family home.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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