Sunday, February 18, 2024

Adult attraction to children: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many parents and other adults think the solution to child sexual abuse is simply to name and shame "pedophiles". Those who perpetrate child sexual abuse are deserving of swift punishment. But, the reason they are deserving of punishment is that they actually can help their behavior, and thus they are individually responsible for the harm they inflict onto children. 

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children and the God that protects them. That is because all of us as adults have some risk of committing child sexual abuse against a child. Any old adult could rape or sexually assault a child. Child sexual abuse is a crime of opportunity, usually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that they weren't prepared for.

How does child sexual abuse occur? It starts with a secondary sexual attraction to children, usually to teenagers, and sometimes to older prepubescent children. The adult in question usually does not want to acknowledge their sexual side towards children, usually following false "Christian" advice to stay above their desires for children, and not "give in" to masturbation. But, masturbation is exactly what an adult needs to avoid acting on their desires. When you don't masturbate to that side of your sex drive, you are not acknowledging your sexual desires towards children, thus repressing them. When in the right/wrong situation with a child, these repressed desires can come out sideways onto the child, like a ton of bricks.

Contrary to popular belief about the Bible, masturbation is not sin, and nowhere in the Bible is masturbation even mentioned. Onan's sin was coitus interruptus, meaning God slew Onan for failing to own up to family responsibilities. The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate passions in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Masturbation was a common way that the Early Christians avoided approaching unlawful targets, including children. Fathers in biblical times masturbated to sexual thoughts of their daughters. Sexual correction was used in other ancient cultures as a form of punishment, but not Ancient Jewish culture. Most of the Early Christians in particular, but also their Jewish predecessors, instead masturbated to sexual thoughts of their children, and played an encouraging role in the child's religious education.

Most sexual offenders are not pedophiles, but are instead opportunistic offenders. Most pedophilic offenses exist on the surface, not hidden like other forms of child sexual abuse. Most pedophilic offenders are parents, but the negligent type, usually with the child taking up adult roles in the house such as caregiver or spouse. Actual pedophilia is associated with autism or ADHD, but usually autism of the moderate-severe type. They are usually too immature to be a parent, and thus the county Children and Youth services (as they are called here in Pennsylvania) remove children from such homes. Most adults who sexually abuse children act on normal feelings, in a way that shouldn't be acted upon.

Most all fathers are sexually attracted to their children, usually their daughters, like a criss-cross. Daughters are naturally attracted to their fathers, but usually hide it due to being punished for dressing "immodestly". Most daughters show their attraction to their fathers simply by dressing in order to impress their fathers. In biblical times, daughters and sons would go naked wherever they went. Sexual attraction to one's own children is normal. Actually raping or sexually assaulting a child will never be normal. 

Most adults get side attractions to children, meaning they might find their daughter attractive as she comes out of the shower, or find a child they work with attractive if they work with children. The idea is to face those attractions head on, and masturbate in order to spend away the attraction. If the attraction doesn't go away after a few sessions, you might be a pedophile, in which case you need to own up to that fact. 

The Greek root word denoting fornication and sexual immorality is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to anything outside of proper channels, as understood then. Church tradition clarifies that any sexual relations with someone under the age of majority is unlawful. But, the word does not prohibit masturbation to sexual thoughts of children, and the Early Church clearly recommended masturbation in order to stay out of trouble. The age of majority was the age of consent/marriage in the Bible, but God omitted the ages then for a reason - today's ages work best, but maybe a bit higher. The word also implies that marriage is to be between people in equal standing in life. All sexual relations outside of a lawfully-ordained marriage between one adult man and one adult woman is sin. Simple attractions, however, are not covered by this word.

Women also are capable of child sexual abuse. Usually, the woman is attracted to a teenage boy, usually in a school setting. It is rare for a mother to be sexually attracted to her own children, but might be attracted to her teenage son's friends. Women should masturbate whenever they have a sexual attraction to children. Women are more likely to physically abuse children, whereas men are more likely to sexually abuse children. But, all women have a risk of becoming opportunistic sexual offenders, if they find themselves in the right/wrong situation with a child. Women, not just men, need to identify by their risk to children, and be convicted of everything they did to wrong or abuse a child.

I myself am a depraved and decadent pedophilic adult who is deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children as the adult that I am. I myself committed a moral crime against children and the God that protects them, namely sexual harassment. All of us as adults need to be convicted of our adult guilt, which is everything that we have done to abuse children, like a sin count. Maybe I have earned my rights in relation to children, but I will let the children decide that. I am grateful for the undeserved praise and accolades given to me by children in the children's rights complex. I am willing to answer to the child's court of law, and if a child finds me to be a threat, I deserve her hatred. No child seems to think I'm scary, and I don't know why. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents and other adults who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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