Sunday, December 3, 2023

Pedophilic children: How to bring up a pedophilic child

Many parents' worst fear is their child being abused by a pedophile. But, what if the pedophile is your own son or daughter? Most parents don't know what to do about such a revelation from a child. Most parents associate pedophiles with the scum who rape or sexually assault children. However, pedophiles are the core victims of lawful child abuse, including especially sexual shaming abuse.

What is pedophilia? A pedophile is often used as a euphemism for something hidden. However, the fact of the matter is that a pedophile is a person, not a package that is hidden in the brain. Pedophilia, in most cases, is where the age-oriented sexual preferences of an individual with autism that correspond with the individual's developmental immaturity. Most pedophilia is a form of sexual immaturity, with most pedophilia being connotational instead of a driven attraction. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children, where the whole center of the pedophile's worldview is children. Pedophilia is an understory of child-centered autism. I myself am a pedophile - most of my world revolves around children, in a selfless and humanizing way towards the child. Pedophilia, to me, is a humanizing attraction. Most pedophiles have "exist" autism, meaning most autistic pedophiles are capable of empathy, but may be more distant from you if you are not a child. I have that form of autism, and I prefer to be alone, or else with children, though I can read people and empathize if I have to. I only want friends with children, but I wait for the child to come to me.

I am fortunate compared to most pedophiles. Most pedophiles were sexually shamed by parents just for being a pedophile. I myself got the right treatment and sensitivity for being a pedophile when I was young. My parents and therapist listened and validated my attraction to children. My therapist was cautious about applying the label, due to the stigma attached to that label.

It is a myth that a pedophile requires praise. Most pedophiles are not narcissists, but are depressed or angry victims. Most pedophiles are ultimate victims, meaning they have a mental disability such as autism or ADHD. Pedophile sensitivity is a listening sensitivity, not a praising sensitivity. The only praise us pedophiles ask for is acknowledgment that we exist.

It is a myth that the Bible prohibits masturbation. The Greek root word denoting lust in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The sin line for Christians is to take the first steps at approaching an attraction figure for sexual or flirtatious reasons.

The core of the stigma against pedophiles is the false and abusive "Christian" teaching against masturbation and sexual fantasy. Most Christian churches teach against masturbation, despite much masturbation recorded in the context as a way out of sexual sin. There are two reasons that a pedophile masturbates - to discharge or to plan. Planning occurs during a "relationship" with a child, whereas discharging a fantasy is what a pedophile should strive for in masturbation, and involves purging unrequited lusts. 

The whole hysteria against pedophiles, for the pedophile, feels like not being allowed to masturbate. Most pedophiles first internalize the mental health stigma against pedophilia from their parents. That is why many pedophiles hate parents - they were sexually shamed in the name of religion just for being a pedophile. Most pedophiles aren't Christian like I am, as a great many pedophiles are atheists or agnostics. Most pedophiles are anti-religious, but with a skeptical, rule-oriented personality. Even I am a Christian of the skeptical type, meaning I have heard out all the evidence, and find much proof for the Otherworldly (the Resurrection has over 10,000 witnesses). Pedophiles often learn rules of evidence to filter out bad ideas that cause spiritual pain. 

Most pedophiles are autistic, but in a way where they know a lot about children, and memorize facts about children. I myself have a child-centered autistic personality, meaning all of my special interests as a pedophilic autistic revolve around children. My interest in children's rights started at puberty. Whenever you see someone with autism be good with children, think pedophile, as most individuals with autism are easily annoyed by children. 

If your child tells you that they are a pedophile, hear them out, and listen to them. Chances are, they would be in tears. A vulnerable confession such as that is not manipulation, but instead is a cry for help. Most pedophiles disclose because they are asking for help, not in order to excuse child abuse. When a disclosure is tone-deaf, and the child lacks boundaries with much younger children, then they are what we call an obvious abuser.

The most oppressed of all pedophiles are still children themselves. Being a child alone can be tough in our society. However, children who happen to be pedophiles have two strikes against them. If you have a family history of autism, know that pedophilia is a disorder closely associated with autism in terms of genetics. Most parents do figure out that their children are pedophiles, and usually stomp all over their attempts to masturbate. 

Children can be diagnosed as having pedophilia starting at age 16, and can be detected much earlier than that. Most pedophiles find themselves attracted to children starting at age 16, when they come to the conclusion that they are growing up, but their attractions are not. This horrifies the pedophile, who then wants the desires to go away. Only, the desires are not going away, and so pedophiles need to accept that they have the disorder, meaning come to terms with the fact that they are attracted to children. If a pedophilic child sounds chipper and upbeat in their self-diagnosis of pedophilia, that is not a normal disclosure - I disclosed that way, and so I had to go the opposite way and find reasons why my attractions are pathological. Most pedophiles, if they did disclose fully, are tearful and anguished about it, and those same tears are seen as manipulation and used against them. I myself made other pedophilic children look bad by being an obvious abuser, and so I have to atone for being a pedophile in relation to children. I myself did commit sexual harassment as a child as an adult, and atone for making pedophiles look bad, as well as offending children. I did most all of the Twelve Steps in order to humble my pride in relation to children, as I struggled with infatuations that drove me to be an antisocial "flirt". I didn't see anything wrong with approaching young girls for flirtatious reasons. 

The enemy of all pedophiles is not the survivor, but the abuser. "Pedophile" is a common projectory excuse for adults who rape or sexually assault children, even in the vast majority of cases where pedophiles are not the abuser, and when the pedophile is the victim, the abuser takes advantage of the pedophile stigma. The word "pedophile" is not a medical excuse for abuse of any kind, and when you use that word as an excuse for abuse, you make it that much harder for actual pedophiles to seek the mental health services that they need. Most sexual abusers of children are not pedophiles, but instead are opportunistic narcissists who stumble upon a once-and-a-lifetime opportunity to abuse a child.

The depraved and decadent, defiled child rapists and sexual assailants will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be cast forever into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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