Thursday, August 10, 2023

Parenting your pedophilic child: How to bring up a child with pedophilia

Many parents worry about their children being sexually abused. Most of the fear about pedophiles revolves around children being sexually abused. Nobody warns parents about what it is like to have a child self-diagnose to them with pedophilia. Pedophilic children are among the most oppressed of children. A pedophilic child is more likely to be abused in many ways, including sexually abused, and that is because a pedophilic child replicates their abuser in a way abusers want to correct. 

What is pedophilia? Most people believe pedophilia is something hidden, like a crime is hidden, only at a lower level. The fact of the matter is that a pedophile is an individual with a primary or exclusive sexual preference for children. Pedophilia, in most cases, comes in the form of a case of immature autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism correspond with the individual's developmental immaturity. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in terms of knowledge or social skills. Autism, in most cases, involves rote memorization of facts. A pedophile is an individual with autism who memorizes facts about children. 

Pedophilia, in most cases, is a humanizing attraction to children, not a dehumanizing attraction. If you child is a pedophile, they will see younger children as human beings. Most individuals with autism are not good with children, meaning they usually are cold towards children or else place children in the role of parent/caregiver. When an individual with autism is a born nurturer, think pedophile. Pedophilia is a male nurturing in parallel format. All nurturing comes from a sex drive of some sort, and nurturing is optimal when the sexual instincts are depressed, usually through masturbation. 

Pedophilic children need to masturbate. Chances are, they will never find a wife or husband to share sexual relations with. A pedophile has nowhere to go with their sex drive but inwards, meaning re-channeling the sex drive inwards through masturbation. One passage in the Bible that is commonly misunderstood as banning masturbation is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But, I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath already committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even sexual desire for children. It refers to sexual entitlement, with sexual entitlement being defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Righteous masturbation is what prevents men from approaching women, or in the case of a pedophile, children. In order to avoid approaching child targets, you need to masturbate in order to re-channel your sexual drive in a certain place, meaning the place where you regularly masturbate. 

Pedophile hysteria is a real thing. It is an atmospheric prejudice against pedophiles based on the false religious teaching that a pedophile cannot be saved. The rationale behind this belief is that pedophiles can only safely relieve their sex drive through masturbation, and since "masturbation is sin", they are "doomed" to their fate in Hell. Another part of the teaching is that any pedophile admission is an expression of pride, therefore entitlement. All of these teachings are totally false. Masturbation is not this big sin like many Christians think it is. 

The best thing you can do to stymy the hysterical prejudice against pedophiles is to accept your child who has the mental health disorder of pedophilia, and get them the appropriate therapy. I am grateful to have parents who accepted me despite being a pedophile. I can talk to my mother anytime about my disorder, and she will listen. I am not harassed or punished by my mother for masturbating to sexual thoughts of children - she knows that I need that outlet. I don't think she likes the fact that I am a pedophile, but I think she knows and accepts that I think differently.

All a pedophile needs is someone to talk to, who will listen and validate their experiences with having the disorder. The key to pedophile sensitivity is to drop all assumptions, and just listen to how the individual feels about being attracted to children. Assume instead that you know nothing about pedophilia, and follow your parental intuition instead. A pedophile is a child that never grew up. 

Some pedophiles are abusers. Usually, they will disclose to their parents in a tone-deaf, celebratory way. Most pedophilic abusers of children don't understand social nuances enough to understand that their behavior is socially - and maybe legally - unacceptable. When a pedophilic child develops a crush on a much younger child, supervise closely, as the obsession could lead to sexual harassment or stalking, if the child victim or her parents perceive such about the interaction. Most pedophile disclosures are tearful and full of sorrow, not celebratory or joking in nature. 

Pedophile hysteria usually involves, at the core, a form of religious child abuse against pedophilic children, usually in lawful format. Most pedophiles were sexually shamed as children by a parent or caregiver, usually by being punished in some way, perhaps physically, for masturbating to sexual thoughts of children. This leads to a hidden trauma where the pedophile, at a low level, resents the whole world because of the abuse they suffered. All too often, the sexual shaming abuse comes in the form of rape or sexual assault, and that is the only time this secretive force in our nation's homes is known. Pedophiles are capable of trauma, and they usually are incapable of repressing trauma, meaning they hold onto trauma from parents as resentment towards their parents, and by extension, all parents.

I support a pro-social genocide against parents. We want to kill every parent, but since we can't do that, we can arrest every parent, one by one, placing them on the conveyor belt to prison. Pedophiles are the ultimate victims of parents, and so since a pedophile has now turned himself in, we can now go after the parents who punish and abuse their children, usually within the law.

The depraved and decadent parents who provoke their pedophilic children to anger through sexual shaming abuse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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