Friday, July 7, 2023

Individual responsibility for adult attractions to children: How to prevent child sexual abuse

Many adults blame pedophiles for the epidemic of child sexual abuse. This is a common sentiment amongst American adults. Most adults in America think that pedophiles are the main threat to children, and that they are not. However, the fact of the matter is that all adults are capable of child sexual abuse under the right/wrong conditions.

All adults are guilty in relation to children, and are capable of child sexual abuse under the right/wrong conditions. Adults are depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children and the God that protects them. The two aspects of reducing one's risk to children is righteous avoidance and righteous masturbation.

Righteous avoidance is mapping out under what circumstances one might rape or sexually assault a child, and then avoid those circumstances like the plague. For example, I find talking to children to be a risk factor for me symbolically sexually assaulting them by waving at them flirtatiously. So, I don't speak to children and have no contact with them until they seek out contact with me. I can smile at children, because that just means I dote on them in a fatherly way. If I wave to them, I am putting them in the role of spouse, which is spousification, which is a form of sexual assault. I avoid speaking in public in general, which allows me to be disciplined enough not to speak to children. I also associate approaching children in any way for sexual or flirtatious reasons, including behaviors I have engaged in, in the past such as waving and following, with being tormented in Hell for all eternity. Thus, at this point, I know naturally not to go up to young girls in order to flirt with them. I was an obvious sexual abuser, and I am deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for having that record. Aversion imagery can be a good form of righteous avoidance, but only when the individual adult thinks that it is helpful - pushing aversion imagery on anyone is a form of therapy abuse.

Righteous masturbation is about keeping one's sex drive for children - which we all have as adults - on the aware level. How does most child sexual abuse occur? An adult finds themselves attracted to a child, which then alarms them. They then fight it back, and keep fighting it back, until they can fight it back no more, and then the repressed desires come out sideways onto the child. The safe thing to do when any adult finds themselves attracted to a child is to follow the sexual thoughts about the child to the end through masturbatory fantasy. I masturbate to sexual thoughts of children pretty much every day, and it re-channels the sexual desires for children inward, with my aversion imagery of Hell reinforcing the centeredness of my sex drive. 

Adult sexual entitlement is usually a low-level entitlement, and is a form of parental entitlement. Parental entitlement can be understood in terms of the parent being a cord, meaning a thread encased by an encasement. The thread is how the parent controls the child, and because control is entitlement, the thread itself is parental entitlement. Part of that thread in males is adult/parent sexual entitlement. This entitled thread needs to be depressed using masturbation, which re-channels the thread inward. Charring the thread with aversion imagery of Hell further depresses the sexual entitlement of the parent. The adult carrying the parent needs to both masturbate and char and tar the possibility of approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons.

The Greek root word denoting lust in the New Testament is επιθυμέω (Latin: erethizo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even to sexual desire towards children. It instead refers to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach, towards anyone other than one's own spouse. Instead of approaching women and girls in biblical times, men then masturbated to sexual thoughts of whomever they found attractive throughout the day. But, they knew that the moment they started approaching a woman or girl for sexual or flirtatious reasons, they were headed for Hell unless they corrected the problem immediately. 

The most common form of adult attraction to children is parent attraction, which virtually all fathers have for their children, usually their daughters. In modern American society, parent attraction in fathers is repressed. The key to being as safe as possible around your child is to follow those intrusive sexual thoughts to the end by indulging in masturbatory fantasy. This will make a father more comfortable around his daughter, and will give his daughter a sexual boost that will offset any body image issues. The key to not abusing from there is to know that approaching your daughter for sexual or flirtatious purposes is the moral crime of adult sexual entitlement, and that alone will land you in Hell unless you correct the problem immediately. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who rape and sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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