Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Abortion: Why abortion should be banned in ALL cases

Many in the children's rights community know my stance on abortion - it is a matter of child protection. North Carolina is proposing a bill that would ban abortion. Many states have banned abortion, including Texas and Wisconsin. There is a reason why abortion is wrong, and the immorality of abortion comes in levels. 

It says in Exodus 20:13 KJV:

Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word cross-referencing the concept of murder in the New Testament is φονος (Latin: phonos) and refers to death or murder, and was understood in the Early Church as legislating a ban on all abortifacients, deeming abortifacient herbs to be contraband in the Early Church. Any man caught administering abortifacients to a woman was excommunicated. Any woman using abortifacients for herself was excommunicated. 

Why should abortion be banned in all cases? Most of the reasons why women get abortions are not a natural part of being a woman, but are mainstays imposed by men. Abortion teaches men that the consequences of their actions can be erased, and that they don't have to take responsibility for a child that they fathered. 

I oppose all abortion, even in the case of rape, incest, or life of the mother, and that is because banning abortion in these cases allows for the consequences of sexually amoral behavior in men to exist, in a hard and fast way so that men can see the damage they have done to a woman and her family, with men hopefully atoning for their sins against womankind. 

A common and compelling reason for allowing abortion in the case of life of the mother is the example of a pregnant 9-year-old. How about if men stop getting 9-year-olds pregnant. All a man has to do is masturbate to thoughts of the 9-year-old that he finds attractive, and then he doesn't have to go the other way and rape his child victim. There is always something mankind can do to protect womankind from his sexual wrath.

What is abortion? Abortion is a cluster of "medical" procedures that involve inducing a miscarriage. Abortion is a rare procedure, usually done in order to cover up for fornication and sexual immorality in men, such a man's sexual liaisons and affairs with women. Those are the reason a woman "needs" an abortion. 

Women in the Old Testament never needed an abortion, and no woman ever asked for one. That is because women were pampered by men, and had much lobbying power with men. Some abortions did take place in the Early Church due to the patriarchal Greco-Roman influence, and they led to the individual responsible being excommunicated. Usually, abortions were forced by incestuous fathers to cover up their depraved and decadent acts, in which case the child was not prosecuted. Sometimes, women were prosecuted by the church, in which case other women shunned them as cold and unfeeling. Abortion in a woman was a sign of coldness and unfeeling attitudes towards children, and such women were not seen as full women.

The depraved and entitled mothers who take the life of their child in the womb, and all those who aid and abet, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burnings sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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