Tuesday, January 24, 2023

What is pedophilia?: Why pedophilia is not a form of narcissism

Many people think that pedophilia is a form of narcissism. This is a common belief about pedophiles and pedophilia. Most American adults believe pedophiles to have a form of narcissism. The most vocal of pedophiles, for a long time, have been narcissists. However, most pedophiles are not narcissists. Pedophilia is actually something that occurs along the lines of the autism spectrum.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is NOT a form of narcissism. Pedophilia is a form of immature autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism correspond with the arrested emotional development of the pedophile. A pedophile usually is as emotionally immature as the children that they are attracted to. Most pedophiles have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills. 

Most pedophiles have an "exist" form of autism where they want distant relationships with same-age peers, and close relationships with children. Nothing else exists in their world but children, and nobody else matter but children. Most individuals with autism do not like being around children, and find children annoying. When they "just click" with children, think pedophile. 

A common behavior in pedophilic children is guarding younger siblings from being reprimanded. The view of the pedophile is that children can do no wrong, and that when a child does wrong, it is always someone else's fault. Whenever someone tries to blame a child for something, a pedophile tries to put a stop to the child being blamed. Most pedophilic parents err on the side of permissiveness, or else are pro-social permissive in terms of parenting style.

A common response from people when they hear what, or rather who, a pedophile actually is, is "what's the big issue with matching them with a willing child?". The problem with that is that a child will never be capable of marriage, and our Christian purity and cleanliness values as a nation prohibit all sexual relations outside of marriage. All adults are trusted caregivers of children, and thus, sexual relations with children is a conflict of interest, as a caregiver always has power over their ward, and any sexual relationship with someone who has power over you is unwise and possibly dangerous.

A pedophile, on the surface, is simply someone with autism who focuses their energy on children. Usually, they do not have a "gamer" type personality, but a "rule boy" autistic personality. Think someone who insists on parents obeying park rules and pedestrian signals. I myself have that type of autism. I am one to remind my mother to cross at the corner, as that is the secular law as it is written. I write a lot about the Bible, and see it as a framework of codified law to live by. Most pedophiles cope with their risk of sexually abusing a child by living by a set of rules and policies that are self-imposed and help them interact with children safely, or else readily avoid children.

Where did this pedophile hysteria begin? Pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse against pedophilic children. Children can be diagnosed with pedophilia starting at age 16, and otherwise the diagnosis can be indicated much earlier based on spotted traits. Many times, parents "just know" where a child is headed in terms of becoming a pedophile, and punishes them, usually using religion as an excuse. It is a form of religious sexual shaming by abusive religious parents.

What does a pedophilic child need? Space to talk about their disorder. A pedophile disclosure usually is not "like a bomb going off" but rather a ball of tears. Beware of tone-deaf disclosures, as this is a sign of a tone-deaf abuser. What a pedophilic child needs to know is that, simultaneously, sex with children will always be wrong, and that they can always talk to you about the attractions. If it really bothers them, take them to a therapist. But, know that, in most jurisdictions, a therapist can report a pedophile to the authorities merely for disclosing their self-diagnosis. Pedophilic children should also be allowed to masturbate to thoughts of children.

The depraved and decadent, defiled abusers of pedophilic children that blame their own children for the child abuse epidemic will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into a Hell-fire of torrents! Repent!

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