Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Religious child abuse of pedophilic children: Understanding the source of the hysteria

Many people these days are supportive of pedophiles. The most vocal people in the pro-pedophile community focus on the rights of abusers with the pedophilia diagnosis. However, the most oppressed of all pedophiles are still children. The start of pedophile hysteria is not with children's rights, but specific religious teachings that are both false and abusive. 

What is pedophilia? It is a myth that all pedophiles are narcissists. Pedophilia is a form of immature autism, where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual with autism reflect their developmental level, meaning pedophilia is a form of sexual immaturity associated with developmental disorders such as autism. Most of the time, the pedophile has a form of autism that is child-centered in nature, with the pedophile having an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills. Most individuals with autism find children to be annoying. When someone with autism is absolutely content and happy around children, think pedophile. Most pedophiles have moderate-severe autism, and most have caregivers that keep them from representing themselves in pro-pedophile organizations. The disorder is most apparent, in most cases, in the pedophile's mid-teens. Most pedophiles are not people to be afraid of at all.

The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles, contrary to popular belief, does not come from the children's rights movement. It comes from a group of abusive religious parents, and, at a lower level in the home, false and abusive religious doctrine that pedophilic children should not be sexually fantasizing about who they are attracted to. The main verse you can use to understand this hysteria is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:  

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But, I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even to sexual desire towards children. The word instead refers to, in the case of pedophilia, adult sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want from children, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Christ was talking about a specific type of like, meaning the "you're mine" look that leads to approaching a woman in order to take her, as was the problem them in terms of sex crimes.

The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles comes from false and abusive religious doctrine passed as "Christian" that insists that pedophilia, in and of itself, is a sin to admit to. The prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles is a form of mental health stigma of the admit variety. In the old days, the first person to admit to being a pedophile in a conversation was the pedophile, and then they were a complete outcast. Admitting to pedophilia for mental health treatment purposes was out of the question then.

The hysteria actually creates the environment where false pedophiles can identify. Before the children's rights focus on pedophiles, the only people you saw identifying as pedophiles were criminals. The rest of the pedophiles were too afraid to admit their condition, to anyone. Thus, society long has had a skewed idea of what, or rather, who, a pedophile really is. Most people think pedophiles are narcissists, and that is because only narcissists are reckless enough to identify as pedophiles out in the open. However, most pedophiles simply have a form of immature autism that comes with sexual immaturity.

Most pedophiles internalize the mental health stigma against admitting to pedophilia as a religious stigma coming from the sexual shaming abuse committed by abusive parents. Most parents intuitively know that their child is predestined to become a pedophile, and then they double down and punish the child for engaging in masturbatory fantasy about children. Usually, this type of abuse of pedophiles comes in the form of corporal punishment of the child. In extreme cases, pedophilic children were sexually abused in the form of corrective rape to "cure the pedophile". Most pedophilic children fit a profile that attracts abusers of all kinds to exploit the pedophilic child. Thus, the prejudices against both children and pedophiles clearly intersect. Most pedophiles have "sexual shaming" trauma, usually alongside a "parent" trauma. Pedophiles deal with trauma in the form of low-level anger. More often than not, pedophilic children were abused just for being pedophiles.

Most pedophiles would be a lot more mentally healthy if they had someone to talk to. I myself am content as a pedophile with life, and that is because I have a support system to fall back on. I have a therapist that I can talk to, and I have a mother who I can talk to most any time of the day (except when she is at work). Most pedophiles don't have what I have. The sexual shaming trauma from being abused by parents, just because you are a pedophile, must be the most isolating of traumas to have. From what I understand, it is usually in the form of balled up anger.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sexual abusers of pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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