Saturday, November 26, 2022

Religious child abuse of pedophilic children: Understanding pedophile hysteria from its source

Many people today are on the side of pedophiles. However, most supporters of pedophiles side mainly with sex offenders and other abusers. Most people do not understand what pedophile hysteria is. Many of us in the pro-pedophile community talk about it, but nobody seems to know what it is. The fact of the matter is that pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse, with the pedophiles who are abused and oppressed the most still being children themselves.

What is pedophilia? It is a myth that most pedophiles are narcissists. Most pedophiles have a form of autism where the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual correspond with their developmental level. Usually, such individuals have an autistic specialty in children, meaning they focus heavily on issues surrounding child care and children's rights. Usually, the pedophile is more socially apt around children, and only wants children as friends. Otherwise, most pedophiles don't want adults as friends, and socially isolate themselves. Pedophilic children are the most abused and oppressed of pedophiles. The first sign of a pedophile in a child is when the child defends younger siblings or other younger family members against parental admonition by way of acting like a defense attorney. In the eyes of the pedophile, children can do no wrong, and even if they do something wrong, they are absolved. 

Pedophile hysteria does not come from a single entity, with the children's rights community merely endorsing the already existing prejudice for a couple of decades, with child advocates and trauma survivors feigning a prejudice. The actual prejudice comes from false and abusive doctrine concerning masturbation. One of the Bible passages commonly used to scare pedophilic children into not masturbating to fantasies of children is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, including sexual desire towards children. This word refers to, in the context of pedophilia, adult sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual wants, to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child. Masturbation to thoughts of children was, in fact, a religious requirement that kept adult men in particular from sexually assaulting or raping children. It was a form of re-channeling unrequited lusts inwards.

How did the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles start? Every pedophile was once a child. Most pedophiles, in their childhood, have endured sexual shaming abuse as a form of child sexual abuse. Quite a few pedophiles were victimized as children with corrective rape, with hope that rape from an adult would "cure" the disorder. Many pedophiles were told to pray away their disorder. Most pedophiles have a religious trauma from abusive religious parents, and since they are pedophiles themselves, they can't blame pedophiles, so they blame either parents, Christians, or both. Most pedophiles are not religious people, but are atheists or agnostics of the jaded type. Pedophilic trauma is a very dark trauma. As a pedophile survivor myself, I can tell you that my trauma is like staring down into a dark abyss, which I have submerged using "innocent until proven guilty" methods. Thankfully, none of the abuse I endured was because I was a pedophile. The vast majority of pedophiles weren't so lucky, and have to hide their secret even from their parents, who likely already know and hold a grudge against them. 

"Sexual shaming" trauma is enough to make anyone angry at the world, and when done in the name of false religious teaching, enough to make anyone hate religion. I never experienced any of that sexual shaming as a child, as my pro-parent liberal parents were the type to lean on concerning sexual issues. My parents' mistake was punishing me for defiance unrelated to pedophilia, and then, since I was a pedophile, I never forgot about my lawful trauma, and never will fully. I hate all parents, and all adults, and hate that they blame me when they are the ones doing the abusing, with the secular law covering for them. The secular law burned me, while God's Law casts a dominion over my parents, and they sure have heeded the warning. I myself have a "parental rights" trauma, meaning I hate the fact that parents and adults even have rights in relation to children, and so I don't protect my own parental rights.

If your child discloses to you that they are a pedophile, what should you do? All they need is someone to talk to, and usually, they need that safe person to talk to only for a little bit, before processing everything and moving on with their life. Also, allow your child space to masturbate. Simply check the web history to see what images they used on the Internet. Pro-social misuse is using images not intended as pornography for that purpose. If they do that, that is a good sign, and their image use should stay along that pattern. If it is intended as pornography, it should be blocked. Pedophilia is a self-healing disorder, with an optimal prognosis. Most pedophiles, contrary to media hysteria, are victims of crime and abuse, not perpetrators. There is no need to be overly sensitive to pedophiles. Most pedophiles are not narcissists with an honor code, but instead have a form of immature autism where they need to be treated with kid gloves. That is the only way people are going to accept pedophiles - as big kids.

I myself have people to talk to regarding my pedophilia, with the first and foremost person being my mother. I can tell my mother anything about this disorder of mine, and so I have it good in that regard. Most pedophiles have nobody to talk to, not even their parents. Many times, parents know, and try to stomp all over the fantasies about children. My parents were in denial, especially my mother, but now she believes it, and understands the difference between pedophile and child sexual predator. But, she doesn't feel safe telling anyone about the difference, and so I have to, isolated in that regard. At least all these people that I told know and understand.

Most people who truly hate pedophiles are also sexual abusers of children. Child predators groom on two sides of their profile, namely one side for children, and the other side for pedophiles. Some sexual abusers, due to the nature of their entitlement, get into positions of power, usually of a policing nature, and that's how the prejudicial hysteria began. Most actual pedophile hatred isn't simply saying the wrong thing, but instead a form of grooming that projects an abuser onto an easy target, as pedophiles replicate their abuser with their profile. 

Trauma survivors and their allies simply feign a prejudice, and that feigned prejudice could go away at any time once the right pedophile is found to educate survivors as to where their abuse comes from -  sexual abuse happens at such a low level that it seems to survivors to come out of nowhere. Trauma survivors simply are feigning to reiterate a long-standing prejudice against pedophiles. I myself strive to educate survivors on who their abuser actually is - parents, and by extension, all adults. I seem to be making great headway.

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who project their abuserhood onto pedophiles, and sexually abuse children, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever punished in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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