Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Parent attraction and child crushes: How to deal with unwanted attraction to children

Many parents and adults think sexual abuse can only be perpetrated by a specific person - a pedophile. Most parents and other adults blame pedophiles for the sexual abuse of children, and pedophiles only. However, the fact of the matter is that pedophiles aren't the only ones abusing children sexually, and that most pedophiles are among the least likely to commit sex crimes against children. Child sexual abuse instead comes from parent attraction in most cases, as a form of child crush that is usually repressed in nature.

Parent attraction is attraction to one's own child, usually as a father and not a mother. Maternal parent attraction is rare and abnormal. Most of the time, it is the father who is attracted to children. Usually, in the American context, that attraction remains repressed. When something like that is repressed, it can come out sideways onto a child. Usually, what motivates parent attraction to come out sideways is a child crush that is repressed. It comes out onto the child, and that's how abuse happens.

Most adults do not know how to manage the child side of their attractions. Most men are attracted to teenagers as a secondary attraction, with also 20% of men being attracted to prepubescent children as a secondary attraction. The prevalence of adult attraction to children in women is unknown due to lack of participation in studies. Sexual attraction to children is normal. Acting on it will never be.

The main cause of child sexual abuse is the mental health stigma on pedophilia and other adult attraction to children, which is rooted in religious child abuse of pedophilic children. Nowhere in the Bible is pedophilia condemned, with only the very act of sexual abuse condemned. The Greek root word denoting lust and sexual entitlement in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo). This word does not refer to just any sexual desire, but sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a child. It is okay to have sexual thoughts about children, including your own child. It is okay to look at a child with sexual intent. It is okay to indulge in sexual fantasy about your own child or another child. It is not okay to approach a child for sexual relations, as this is adult sexual entitlement, and once said approach is perceived by the child, fornication. 

Most all adult men in the Bible were pedophiles towards their own children, albeit the abstinent type. They were aware of their parent attractions towards their own child, and the religious authorities encouraged that awareness of attraction. Men who went to church elders or deacons about attractions to children were told to masturbate to fantasies of children. Masturbation, in fact, carried less of a stigma to it than it does today. It was when the child was actually sexually abused that the whole community turned on the parents. Most child sexual abuse in biblical times involved mounting behavior from fathers intended to quell tears, which, when discovered, was a capital offense in the Old Testament. Actual sexual abuse of a child was rare in Ancient Israel and the Early Church, and that was due to sexual purity norms that kept sex with children confined to the realm of sexual fantasy - taking that fantasy out on an actual child could cost a man his life.

It is healthy for fathers in particular to try to fantasize sexually about their child. Not only does it eliminate the risk of sexual abuse, but it forms a bond between father and child that lasts a lifetime. It is sad that it takes this in order to involve fathers in parenting, but mankind was cursed with a depraved and decadent sin nature. In this context, "sin nature" refers not to punishing fathers for their sexual thoughts about their children, but understanding the very flawed place where father-child bonds come from. Man is the most flawed sex of the species, and that is why God challenged him with male headship.

Child sexual abuse is not a harsh reality that will stay in society forever. Child sexual abuse can be ended completely by the individual responsibility of adults, especially those at-risk of committing sexual offenses against children. If every adult simply took some time to allow child fantasies into their fantasy life, and every father fantasized about their child, child sexual abuse would be a relic of the past, meaning we'd hear of child sexual abuse in history books instead of the news. I myself am a pedophile, and I choose not to sexually abuse children by rechanneling the desire inward, and thus I am doing my part to prevent child sexual abuse before it occurs. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators who offend children sexually will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be punished in torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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