Sunday, August 28, 2022

Parenting your pedophilic child: Avoiding religious parental entitlement with vulnerable children

Many people hate pedophiles. In fact, most people hate pedophiles. More and more people today are turning away from that hatred, but are focusing on sex offenders, usually with a supportive comment towards someone undeserving of support. The most vulnerable of pedophiles might just be living with you right now. If you really knew what - or rather who - a pedophile is, everything would make sense.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia is a mental health disorder featuring sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is a genetic disorder along the lines of autism and alcoholism. It is usually part of a child-centered form of autism, where the special interests of the individual with autism focusing on children and children's issues. A pedophile has arrested emotional development due to autism or another developmental disability, and the ages of the children they are attracted to correspond to the developmental level of the pedophile. Pedophilia, as a mental disorder, is visible where an individual with autism has all their social skills and knowledge specialized in children, usually in a selfless manner. Abuser pedophiles usually are ignorant as to the boundaries around child, in a socially aloof way, not knowing how to interact with children any other way than sexual abuse. An abuser pedophile is a yappy type of abuser, usually charismatic in their positive "exist" attitude towards life, otherwise sympathizing with children, but ignorant as to the issue of child sexual abuse. I actually, in past tense, fit more the abuser stereotype than the stereotype of a pedophile who is a victim of abuse. The average pedophile abuser is an entitled victim. Most pedophiles aren't abusers due to pedophilia, with instead their pedophilia mimicking an abuser. 

Pedophile hysteria is a form of religious parental entitlement, where abusive religious parents force their abusive theologies onto their pedophilic children, usually knowing intuitively that their child is on their way to become a pedophile. The hysteria is a form of religious child abuse directed towards pedophilic children, who are anguished with self-hatred at the undeniable realization that they are a pedophile, yet they cannot talk about that condition with their parents, or anyone else for that matter. Certain Bible verses were misquoted and used against pedophiles in a court of law as a child. It says in Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.

The actual meaning of this verse means looking at a woman to the point of taking the first steps to approach. The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach children for sexual purposes. When that approach is perceived by the child, the offense also becomes fornication (GRK: πορνεία, porneia).

I myself am a pedophile, of the abstinent variety. I have a family that understands, a therapist that understands, and a psychiatrist that understands as well. I advocate for pedophile rights alongside children's rights because I have what all pedophiles should have. Part of it is my influential nature as an autistic vulnerability abuser - I got a lot of people to feel sorry for me that shouldn't have.

Judging by my experience, no pedophilic child will disclose in a home where they fear punishment. This mechanism of parental punishment is what is keeping pedophiles hidden and in the shadows. Parents either impose by their menace the threat of punishment upon the child disclosing their pedophilic condition to parents, or else single out the pedophilic child and punish them even more than usual for their sexual preferences. I was punished as a child, but never for being a pedophile. My self-diagnosing of myself with pedophilia sort of woke up my parents, and made them even more anti-spanking than they already were to begin with. Be an attached parent to your child, and they will tell you everything, and since you can't punish them as an attachment parent.

Let the depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators who blame pedophiles instead of themselves for the sexual abuse of children, will BURN in a Hell of fire and torrents! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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