Sunday, June 12, 2022

What is pedophilia? What is child sexual abuse?

Many adults think that pedophiles are the number one cause of child abuse. Most people don't know what a pedophile is, or rather, who a pedophile is. Most people think a pedophile is an abuser. The definition of the word has been expanded to the point where any child rapist or child sexual abuser would be classified as a pedophile. The fact of the matter is that, in my experience as a pedophile that openly has the disorder, most people who hate pedophiles don't know what one is, or else they'd just be a little worried.

Pedophilia is a mental health disorder featuring primary or exclusive sexual attraction to children under age 14. Pedophilia is commonly a co-morbid disorder alongside autism and other developmental disorders, meaning an actual pedophile has arrested sexual development, corresponding with arrested emotional maturity. Pedophilia itself can be seen as a subset of autism where empathy is specialized in children, and the age-oriented sexual preferences of the individual reflect that empathy. The average pedophile is not a victimizing narcissist, but a victim victimizer - the nature of pedophiles is to root for victims, not abusers, and the healthier the pedophile, the more they root for victims instead of relating to abusers.

Child sexual abuse is whatever the child victim perceives as sexually offensive, in short. Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to sexual want for children to the point of approaching said child, and when that sort of entitlement is perceived by the child, it is adult fornication, or child sexual abuse, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia), and refers to the defilement of the sexually entitled adult when their sexual entitlement is perceived by the child. Child sexual abuse can be understood by the Title IX regulations, which range from leering to rape. The slightest of embarrassing glance is the minimum threshold of child sexual abuse, regardless of the secular law. I myself am guilty of such sexual harassment of children, as well as flirting with young girls inappropriately, which is also sexual abuse. 

Pedophiles are collectively persecuted with the libel that they sexually abuse children. Most pedophiles, in reality, are VICTIMS of abuse, including sexual abuse, not perpetrators. Most pedophiles are victims of religious child abuse, and had spiritually abusive parents which sexually abused them with sexual shaming abuse. Lurching was a common way that anti-masturbation theology was enforced on pedophilic children. Parents singled out the pedophilic child, knew where they were going ahead of time, and then started abusing and persecuting them with spiritually abusive tactics to sexually shame them for their sexuality. 

Who is responsible for keeping the pedophiles down? Children's rights has owned up to their end of things. We, as a movement, wanted to listen to the little guys that came here and ran amok, but the male higher-ups insisted on non-listening tactics for pedophiles. Now, trauma survivors are hearing out pedophiles, especially since the more representative of pedophiles are now coming out of the shadows. Who is left persecuting pedophiles? Pro-spanking conservatives. Most of the people I know who understand my pedophilic disorder are anti-spanking and trauma-informed. They know the Truth - a clinical pedophile is simply someone with child-centered autism, with that child-centeredness being expressed in terms of age-oriented sexual preferences. The abusers themselves are keeping pedophiles down, including the sexual abusers of the world.

Who is at-risk for becoming a child rapist or sexual abuser of children? The fact of the matter is that every single adult has the capacity, under the right/wrong conditions, to sexually abuse a child. The key to prevention is to gauge your risk, and then avoid situations and thought-processes that lead to sexual abuse of children. The more you allow yourself to have sexual thoughts about children, and the more you seek to only meet children with another adult present, the less like you are, as an adult, to sexually abuse a child. All adults are responsible for the sexual abuse epidemic in this country, even if only a few are partaking. This is similar to how all men are responsible for rape, even though a few are partaking, because the conditions are the same. Most sexual offenses, against adults or against children, happen in an enclosed space that is unsupervised, with the sex offender being fueled by repressed sexual tendencies coming out sideways onto the victim. Everyone has the choice as to whether they will abuse someone sexually or not, as nobody is predestined to abuse a child, especially sexually. 

There is no need to blame pedophiles for anything, especially since they, statistically speaking, are the safest group of people to be around children. Most pedophiles are anti-spanking and pro-youth rights to the core, whereas most adults may agree with these causes, but only on the surface level. Don't blame pedophiles for the child abuse epidemic - blame the choice to abuse a child sexually. We are all, as depraved and entitled adults, responsible for the child abuse epidemic, with the majority of adults partaking instead of abstaining.

Let the adult fornicators of children who sexually abuse children and blame pedophiles will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in Hell-fire and torrents! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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