Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe v. Wade overturned: Why abortion is sin

Roe v. Wade has been overturned. This marks a new chapter in the history of abortions in the United States. Most people who are pro-choice think that the Bible allows for abortions, if they identify as progressive Christians - they say that the Roman Catholic Church made up the ban on abortion to "control women's bodies". I can think of a whole bunch of feminist arguments against abortion being legal - and the Bible supports those arguments.

Exodus 20:13 KJV states:

Thou shalt not kill.

The Greek root word denoting murder in the New Testament is ψονος (Latin: phonos). Abortion has existed in ancient societies since the beginning of time, usually as an herbal "remedy" for ending pregnancies that the mother could not afford to come to term. The Early Church took a higher moral stand than the Ancient Israelites in the Old Testament, and deemed a man putting a woman in a position where she had to choose a murderer by way of triangulation. It was seen by the church community as an evil act where the man pit a woman against her own child, usually due to fleshly moral crimes such as rape and fornication. Thus, abortion is murder, if you go by the New Testament.

Abortion is bad for women. It takes responsibility away from men. How many politicians covering up their affairs with forcing their mistresses to have an abortion do we need to learn that abortion is bad for women? It usually isn't even her choice, but is something she is pressured into having, because a man won't man up and take up the responsibility of being a father. So, a woman gets an abortion because she was raped? Who should be punished there, the unborn baby or the rapist? I say punish the rapist instead, and take measures to prevent rape from occurring. 

Now, there is a problem with Roe v. Wade being overturned, but it is a minor one - the WOMAN would be charged, at least to some degree. I oppose that, but at the same time, we need to take what we can get. This Supreme Court decision sends a strong message that abortion is wrong. It just blames the wrong person, but it is a step in the right direction.

Ultimately, my ideal anti-abortion law would blame ME if I got a young girl dangerously pregnant. I myself am a pedophile, and would deserve to be called a murderer if I got, say, an 11-year-old girl pregnant where giving birth could end her life - making abortion medically necessary. Then, lock me up for life if I ever do anything like that.

Let the murderers who steal a child away from a mother through triangulation BURN in everlasting Hell and torrents! Repent!

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