Monday, April 4, 2022

Religious child abuse of pedophiles: Why sexual fantasy is not a sin

Many people think pedophiles are a hopeless case. We have tried everything to reach them, and now, society has just given up. However, society is ignorant to one option that we haven't tried to reach the pedophiles - allowing for sexual fantasy, and understanding of such thought processes.

This radical concept is commonsense when you understand psychology. When you fight back against any thought, the thought becomes stronger, until the point where someone has a peacekeeper that they can't control, and that drives him. That is why pedophilia should be a surface-level disorder, and when something like that is surface-level, it is easier to control. I myself am a pedophile, and my disorder is on the surface level, and so I simply see an attractive child, and move on from that. Then, I may or may not fantasize about her later, depending on my mood and how strongly she caught my eye.

Religious child abuse is the source of all pedophile hysteria in the United States. Most trauma survivors here are understanding of pedophiles, and are empathetic to the degree they can be. Most haters of pedophiles also buy into the normative religious child abuse facing children in this country. Most pedophiles are victims of abuse, not abusers themselves, and are victims of the same religious child abuse that most children face. It just affects them differently, and the dynamics are somewhat different - they are singled out for punishment, usually a lawful spanking for an "infraction" such as looking at catalogue images of much younger children. 

The common passage that was used against pedophiles was Matthew 5:27-30 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it away from thee: for it is profitable for thee that if one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to desire, but to a certain level of desire to the point of seeking out sexual activity with another person outside of marriage, meaning on the level of rationalizing that sex outside of marriage is okay, leading to convincing oneself of the belief that a certain unlawful sexual act is lawful. Having sex on the brain is normal, especially for men, but if you have it on the brain to the point of seeking it out in real life, and the sexual target isn't your spouse, you are guilty of sexual entitlement, or adult sexual entitlement in the case of pedophiles. This is mainly an offense to keep yourself in check with as a pedophile, meaning gauge your entitlement in relation to your person, on your own, and seek not to want what you want in real life. That's all this verse means. 

Further down in the exegeted text, there is some text where Christ speaks of amputating limbs and even eyes. This means that if your eyes lead to you staring at a young girl or boy as a pedophile, quit it lest you embarrass her. Remember, Queen Bathsheba in the book of Job wasn't just looked at, but looked at during a private act - showering. She was indeed embarrassed to be stared at by a man. Lust means something different in the Bible, meaning something very active, and not just enjoying a good sexual fantasy. Does the fantasy prompt you to want to seek it out in real life? Healthy fantasy simply is a relief for unrequited sexual desire, where you get to do things you didn't get to do when in the situation where you successfully resisted temptation. Think of it as a reward for resisting temptation when around a young girl or boy. Then, you'll get used to engaging in sexual fantasy, and will have a choice as to how you react to the bodies of others, meaning if you saw a naked woman or child, you'd know not to do anything about it, because you'd be in the habit of releasing the desire later in a fantasy. But, if you actually want something outside of fantasy with someone other than your wife as a man, enough to take the first steps to seek it out, you are falling into lust right there.

What happens with children's rights movements is that religious child abusers, usually men, infiltrate the movement, and convince the women that they have to use brute force to relate to a pedophile, much like how men convince women not to listen to their natural attachment parenting instincts. You relate to a pedophile simply by listening to them. They have a lot of feelings, and a lot of sexual observations, to unload, and then pedophiles usually find a way to keep their own counsel after being talkative about it for quite a bit. 

Parents are front and center of pedophile awareness and acceptance. A pedophile should be accepted, ideally, by everyone in their community. This isn't a "just for you" acceptance, as such treatment of pedophiles is patronizing and quite overwhelming for many pedophiles. True pedophile acceptance says "I am here to listen", in which case you listen to the pedophile in Rogerian fashion, restating the key words in their paragraphs. They then will likely tell you which children they find attractive, maybe point out a few attractive children to you. Then, they will likely go silent. 

Pedophilia can be diagnosed as young as age 16, and identified even earlier. It is a form of autism in a male that is child-centered. Most with autism do not get along well with children. Some with autism actually do get along with children more than they do adults. I myself, as a pedophile, only want child friends in my personal life, not adult friends. That is how it usually expresses itself.

Let the depraved and entitled adults who abuse pedophilic children and provoke them to anger will be cast into everlasting Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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