Monday, April 18, 2022

Fornication: The "identity" myth

Many people think being a pedophile is this big sin. This is a common misunderstanding about Scripture that being a pedophile is a sin. The theology is that parental entitlement is an excused form of entitlement except in the case that it is sexually motivated. In reality, ALL parental entitlement is sin. Pedophilia, however, is neither adult sexual entitlement nor fornication.

Fornication is mentioned many times in the Bible. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia). Many adults believe this refers to identifying by an "abnormal" or "aberrant" sexual desire. The fact of the matter is that fornication has nothing to do with identity, but to the perceptions of the child victim. If the child plaintiff perceives sexual contact by the adult defendant, it is fornication automatically, meaning an act of child sexual abuse. 

Fornication can be understood as having two components, entitlement and theft, with actual fornication being the theft component stemming from the entitlement. Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo), and refers to wanting sexual relations with children to the point of taking the first steps to doing the deed with someone other than one's spouse. At the point of simply taking the first steps, there is room for choice to avoid a moral crime entirely because if you stop immediately when you find yourself approaching your sexual target, you have committed no sin, because entitlement is only sin when it is defended in court. But, a man must stop himself every single time, or his defense to himself for himself for his actions alone is covetous sin, not mere entitlement, which isn't a moral crime on its own, but merely an infraction to avoid at all costs. I myself stopped myself by reminding myself, before I got in that situation, that I would be the lowest in Hell, and while on earth, "unclean until the even" meaning my mere corpse is defiled and dirty merely for existing while holding onto that sort of sexual sin. I used images of Hell and self-defilement as aversion imagery to remind myself that approaching a young girl or even flirting with her is sin.

Is it a sin to identify as a pedophile? Depends why you are identifying. If you are telling me, as a child advocate, that you are a pedophile, I presume the best in you, until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt. If a child then comes to me and says "Don't be friend with X person because he's creepy" I know then why the pedophile is identifying - as an excuse for abuse, which doesn't exist with a mental health label like pedophilia.

I identify as a pedophile on the surface, meaning the pedophilia does not have a will of its own. I have complete choice over my sexual actions apart from maybe where my gaze goes, but even then, when a child is offended by my gaze, that deters my gaze so not to offend others. At this point, I can't have sex with a child unless I make the conscious choice to, and that choice is stopped by the Holy Spirit, meaning I can't bring myself to have sex with anyone at this point, as none is my wife.

Most pedophiles are victims of abuse, usually spiritual abuse from religious abusive parents, meaning they were targeted by their abusive "Christian" parents. Unlike most religious child abuse, pedophilic children can perceive religious abuse even from moderate or progressive religious parents, with the more progressive religious parents misusing valid feminist concepts and turning them into a reason to punish a child for, for example, misusing an image of a child. The most oppressed of all pedophiles are pedophilic children, because they have two strikes against them - wearing the "child" label and the "pedophile" label all at once. 

How do you deal with pedophilia in your child? A pedophilic child is likely to have at least some autistic characteristics, and usually has a form of child-centered autism, meaning they prefer the company of children more than same-age peers or adults. A pedophile needs to be listened to, with "I'm here to listen" type acceptance. Listen without assuming anything about the situation. Nothing has changed. Your child just clarified to you what group of people they are attracted to. Usually, such disclosures are not a bomb going off, but are either full of tears or simply a self-diagnosis that seems tone-deaf in nature. 

It is not a sin to identify as a pedophile, but instead it is a sin to have sexual contact with a child or defend taking the first steps to sexually abuse a child. Fornication is not based off of identity, meaning holding a certain identity won't cast you into Hell unless it is intended to defend taking the first steps to sexually abusing a child, or the act of sexual abuse. Most pedophiles simply reclaim their label as a means of re-appropriating it to non-criminals who better deserve a mental health label to use to seek professional help.

Let the depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicators of children BURN in the lake of fire and torrents! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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