Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Statement of knowledge

I know about this case far more than you'll accept, fake "officers". You might be counted as victims of a false report alongside me, but no, you have to assume you are right and everyone else is wrong.

The Pearls called a hit, a family member made the false call, and then a whole platoon was deployed for something that one measley patrol officer could have done. What actually happened was a summary offense, but no, you had to believe a report about a subjective prediction at the station while not believing countless of victims who come to the station, or else mistreating them with police rape.

You are being used, and someone high up in an ivory tower is gaining gratification from this conflict. He hates my guts as a children's rights advocate, and I welcome his hatred. Michael Pearl is who we are talking about. I was one of his test kits to see if we could turn an anti-spanker into a pro-spanker using gaslighting.

Keep defending your victimhood falsely, and then you become the perpetrator, collectively. All these police in a gang-stalk - and we are talking POLICE, not ordinary criminals? What is this world coming to?

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