Sunday, January 2, 2022

Why parent coaching can help with treating pedophiles (and preventing abuse)

Many people think a pedophile is not a parent, and the two are antonyms. I am the parent hater in chief here, as I was abused by parents. A pedophile is simply an implied label for a certain type of parent whose attachment to their child is sexually-oriented.

The average pedophile is clinically a parent, but one whose attachment to children, usually all children, is conflated with sexuality. Pedophilia itself is simply a thread running up the backside of the brain, meaning a parental cord. That's why parent coaching worked wonders for me, even though I am not a parent in the legal sense, even if I might be naturally towards all parents.

How did parent coaching help me? A parent coach whose office was in Shillington, Pennsylvania, a suburb of my hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, worked with both my trauma and my pedophilic disorder, in different boxes, but together nonetheless. 

For most attached parents, parenting and trauma are two different boxes, but related nonetheless. Pedophilia was treated as being a natural parent to all children. I was confronted on my thinking errors, planning a sleepover actively with a crush I had at the local swimming association. 

This advice, which was that I was not thinking realistically, sent me down a train of thought like descending down a path to the bottom of a ravine, where the only way was up. Scaring my crush, who appeared to me and gave me the shock of my life, laying out her court-space, setting me alight. I ran around with the fire of her vulnerable words of "what do you want with me?". Soon after that, I started studying the Bible after reading a book about how the "rod verses" in Proverbs don't command spanking, Thy Rod and Thy Staff They Comfort Me: Christians and the spanking controversy, which allowed me to become the Christian I needed to be, and then the conservative Christian I really needed to be. I see the Bible differently than most gentle parenting Christians - as Law, meaning a system of jurisprudence known as Christian law. Christian law, by my understanding, is all of the commands in the New Testament, referencing to Jewish law in the Old Testament. I have memorized all the commands I need to know, and that a pro-spanking parent needs to know.

Parent coaching is something that starts your journey, not defines it. It is a little boost that gets you to think for yourself as a parent, meaning a pedophile in my case. I was a wreck then, and a menace to children, meaning I was literally scheming an opportunity to snuggle with a young girl with sexually entitled intent, rationalizing that it must be normal somehow for a 16-year-old adult (in that situation) to be co-sleeping next to a young girl who isn't legally his child, for means of creating a spousal relationship that isn't there.

Parent coaching, in this case, could have saved a few children their lives. For a while there during the coaching, I was a compliant abuser, meaning I was an abuser until a child set a firm limit, then I backed off, but the child had to set it, which to me is a hard lesson with the child above all other authority in relation to them, setting the boundaries, and me taking note of where they are. Under my current Christian convictions, it is a shame when a child has to be the one to set you straight, as children shouldn't have that responsibility - YOU as the parent should learn yourself.

I now wear my pedophilic tendencies on the surface, meaning everyone who is observant enough can see them based on who I am looking at in public. I am okay with questions, in which case I will answer to the court to ease the concerns of my neighbor. Nobody asks. Children do notice, but they don't care. They just look briefly, then look away.

Pedophilia is a psychiatric disorder involving sexual attachment to children leading to a primary preference for children under age 14. Most adults have sexual attractions to children - usually secondary, and to teenagers - and the best thing for such an attraction is to wear it on the surface, so you have control over it, as when you bury an attraction, it controls you. I myself am aware to the level where I can control complete where I go when left to my own accord (and not under gaslighting duress), and I actively seek out pedophilic fantasies because those are the ones I can't do in real life, so I do them in fantasy instead.

The sexually entitled adults/fornicators who sexually assault and rape children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! So you were "in the wrong place, at the wrong time"? Why were you even there? Let the depraved and defiled adult fornicators towards children BURN in everlasting Hell-fire, suffering God's Wrath for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Just don't abuse a child, and you don't have anything to worry about, as long as you work for Jesus and not Satan. 

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