Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Why parent coaching can help with pedophilia

Many people think that pedophiles cannot be treated, and that they should all be put down. Most pedophiles do not abuse children, with most abusers of children being parents, not children. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, with most pedophiles being youth rights supporters to some degree or another. Parent coaching can help pedophiles who test as victims center their attractions and be mentally healthy.

The most effective treatment for pedophilia is locational want avoidance, meaning avoiding the location where sexual abuse can occur, and rehearsing the avoidance, perhaps using aversion imagery to avoid a child. I myself use images of Hell, as well as feeling myself defiled and soiled in God's eyes, as aversive imagery in avoiding sexual entitlement in relation to children.

Most pedophiles can simply avoid the location where sexual abuse can happen. However, some pedophiles may need some parent/caregiver support. I myself sought therapy from a parent coach, meaning my therapist's main clientele was parents and their children. I myself was seen as a parent by her, not a pedophile, though she knew full well that I was attracted to children. 

Common ways parent coaches can deal with pedophile clients is use Socratic reasoning with pedophiles, either question and answer or meeting a question with a question. Countering a question with a question should be intended to get the pedophile to think about their choices in relation to children, and the questioning should be intended both to check up on the client and prompt the pedophile client to form their own framework to deal with their condition.

Parent coaching is a special type of therapy where you are on your own, but the therapist motivates you to take the right path as a parent towards children. A parent of any kind, including a pedophile, has to be motivated to change their ways. Most pedophiles need the opposite of what I need, meaning I needed sharp criticism to set me straight, whereas most pedophiles need moral support, meaning they need to know that they are worth it in relation to children, and may need to have their self-esteem boosted. While all adults are a risk to children to some degree, most pedophiles perhaps are more of a risk to themselves. Think the young man who isolates himself from society to avoid children he knows he won't abuse, but "is afraid of becoming an abuser". I myself never went through that stage of my pedophile development, but instead was very opinionated as a core personality, and obsessive about child targets. 

Most pedophiles do have a form of autism, to some degree on the spectrum, but usually the depressive type of autism that is child-centered. They hate life, hate being in social gatherings, but love children as their "only hope in life". Most pedophiles have had some degree of suicidal tendencies, meaning have thought about suicide at least some of the time. Most pedophiles are more a danger to themselves than to children. Most are like how I am today, meaning perfectly content just being around children. Most of them can easily talk to children, but not adults. Think the technical type of person who is quirky, but knows a lot about children's issues despite perhaps having nothing to do with children, and always being single. Most pedophiles are unlike me in that they have computer smarts. I myself do not, but have legal smarts that are child-centered like a few pedophiles.

I support more parent coaches, period, but on the side since I want to be seen as the parent-hater in chief here. I support all parenting coaches being informed about pedophilia. Most of the time, there doesn't need to be a big separation of the family. They may, at the very most, have to avoid certain parts of the house where the child would be in a state of undress, and practice and rehearse the avoidance, until it becomes a habit, channeling their sex drive elsewhere. It usually is at a low level that doesn't really exist apart from stimulation of some kind, either visual or tactile/erotic. Otherwise, you just know that you are capable of such stimulation, and thus know all of the time that you are a pedophile, as reference knowledge. I myself am driven at a low level to fantasize, but on the surface it seems to be a choice to fantasize, but one I cannot live without.

The depraved and entitled adult fornicators who make pedophiles look bad will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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