Sunday, December 5, 2021

Pro-spanking parents: Where pedophile hatred starts

Many people associate pedophile defenders with pro-spank lawyers on the fringe of the political right of American politics. Most people do know what a clinical pedophile is, and they may oppose this movement only because of a rumor about "children" being "sucked up" by children's rights. This anti-children's rights understanding of pedophilia causes people not to realize that a pedophile can genuinely advocate the rights of children.

Pedophilia is simply antisocial traumatic dissociation in sexualized format, meaning a pedophile may focus on sexual thoughts about children to escape a trauma of some sort. Most pedophiles, except for the new school of pedophiles that are well-integrated into society due to parent acceptance, suffer a severe and marginalizing trauma that sends them down a road of religious trauma. Most pedophiles were shamed for their sexual thoughts about children, for one reason or another.

The hatred against pedophiles can be understood by the widespread misinterpretation of Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:
Ye have heard that it was said of them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already with her in his heart.

Let's make clear that the proper interpretation does not forbid masturbation to children, as this passage does not talk about children, but wives, which the Greek root word γυνε (Latin: gune) can also refer to a wife, as it clearly does here, as the Greek root word translated "adultery" is μοιχεύο (Latin: moicheuo) and refers to strict adultery under the Law, meaning the taking of a wife by a bystander man, usually then with the adulterer luring or abducting the wife before having his way with her, meaning it was usually rape. Christ here was clearly pointing to intent as a way to maximize responsibility, but this remains a very upsetting verse for a lot of pedophiles, most of whom tend to be atheists of the nihilistic type, with their prohibition against sex with children being one of the few morals they hold onto.

Pedophile hatred is related to the hatred of children in this country, with the hatred of children being more severe than the hatred of pedophiles, but only by a thread. Pedophiles are received by society as on the level of children. All of the people that have understood my issues with pedophilia were anti-spanking in some tense of the word. This is because of attachment theory - ordinary adults are attached to a pedophile that discloses to them on the level of how they relate to their own children, by default. Thus, the hatred of pedophiles by trauma survivors, stemming from male influence on women survivors, is unnatural in terms of reaction to pedophiles. The natural reaction to pedophile honesty is "he's not much of a big deal" meaning the pedophile is treated like a kid, and sort of doted on as such, in a survivors' space. However, in a pro-spanking environment, pedophiles are beaten down to "break their will" to fantasize about children. 

Pedophilic children are the most oppressed of children in the United States. There is a stark difference between growing up with my disorder in a gentle parenting environment, or a punitive parenting environment. By the time I disclosed, both my parents switched to positive parenting strategies, and so they were easy to talk to about my condition. Most gentle, positive parents would react the same way, whether they think so or not, because listening to and validating the needs of a pedophile is a very instinctual task, meaning most parents would simply fall on their instincts and be a good listener for the pedophile. Women especially naturally listen to pedophiles, and listen for BS with the suspicious ones. Most pedophilic children across the country, however, cannot experience the saving grace of gentle parenting, and are stuck languishing in pro-spanking homes, with parents many times intuitively knowing that their child is a pedophile, and punishing them most of the time for manifestations of being a pedophile, such as sexual fantasy about children - and this is why most pedophiles focus on sexual fantasy. It is something they missed out on.

I myself am a pedophile. I am accepted in my community, meaning nobody cares due to the level of entitlement I show. It takes zero entitlement towards children to be trusted as a pedophile, meaning I hate my sin nature towards children, and identify by my adult abstinence in relation to children largely, knowing what an abuser I am in relation to children just for being the adult. What gets a pedophile to zero entitlement? Early intervention is the best intervention, meaning the mental health system intervened in my locale, meaning the trauma-informed half of the system here. I was never stigmatized by my parents for having the disorder, or if I was, it was quite forgivable (my father had trouble taking me seriously sometimes). My parents never punished me for being a pedophile, so I had no self-hatred and a lot of desire for children. You end up being convicted from there. But, if it wasn't for the foundation laid out by my parents, much of my recovery would be impossible. My parents were Christians, and if my father would have punished me for masturbating - which went against his religious beliefs - I might have a severe religious trauma, like the majority of pedophiles at the major support group Virtuous Pedophiles.

We are now a pro-pedophile movement. This means we have moved on from pedophiles, and we now hate their abusive parents, meaning all parents who identify to defend their abuse towards children. Most pedophiles hate parents, and there is a reason why - they just know that their parents would have rejected them for being pedophiles, if they don't already. 

Pedophilia is merely, in attachment terms, parental attachment to children conflated with sexuality, meaning usually in a connotational way for the pedophile, but rarely the child unless the pedophile is entitled. An entitled pedophile imposes sexual connotations onto a child, usually with menace such as leering or hovering, with this being the very start of child sexual abuse, in terms of spectrum of severity. Most pedophiles are not entitled even to the point of leering, and are among the safest adults to be around children due to their lack of entitlement which is very adaptive. Pedophiles have adapted naturally to being around children, unlike ordinary adults, because they have not internalized the societal hatred of children, and may zone out its existence because it is so offensive to them to know that their cherished attraction figures are hated and punished. I am attracted to children in connotational format, meaning when I see a young girl, it is like sun tan spray on any skin exposed, and also perhaps admiring her hairdo, with the word "pretty" coming to mind. Most pedophiles, however, have some level of entitlement that is not deadly in nature, and due to the religious trauma imposed on them, they will always focus on the fantasy in the celebratory context, and the focus simply is a way to dissociate from fantasy. Fantasy is a need for me, but I don't fixate on fantasy, but simply see it as relaxing behavior that, like most pedophiles, I can separate completely from my actions towards children.

Most people who hate pedophiles are pro-spanking, and the answer is simple to understand. We pedophiles can treat a child with perfect respect, and that gets pro-spanking parents jealous, so they project their abuse onto pedophiles and make alarmist statements that scapegoat a group of people that is an easy target due to how their sexualized attachment to children can be spinned into something much more monstrous. Let the pedophile haters and prejudicial parents BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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