Monday, December 27, 2021

Child sexual abuse: How to prevent it

Many adults believe that they will not sexually abuse children. The belief is that only other adults abuse children sexually, meaning some minority over there - yes, they blame pedophiles, without a shred of evidence. All adults have some risk of committing child sexual abuse.

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children under age 14, and is a mental disorder in the common case that it interferes with an adult's life and/or poses a risk to children. Most adults are attracted to children in some capacity, usually teenagers, and as a secondary attraction usually. A primary attraction to teenagers aged 15-17 is ephebophilia. I myself have both, but with pedophilia being the most appropriate diagnosis. We all pose some risk in that regard, so why be so insecure and take it personally?

Most child sexual abuse occurs when an adult is alone with a child they have a sexual attachment to. The most common excuses of sex offenders who are arrested by the authorities are "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Why were you there? Why were you drinking so much? Why were you smoking so much weed? Why were you shooting up so much heroin? Adults are responsible for their own choices around children, period, meaning there is no excuse for abuse - abusing a child is a choice, and if you make that choice, you accept and consent to all worldly and otherworldly consequences.

So, just don't be alone with a child. Also, a common parenting recommendation in biblical times was masturbating to fantasies about your child as an alternative to sexually abusing your child, which was unlawful then. The idea was one of time-out, as understood in attachment parenting, meaning the parent takes a time-out to regather their thoughts.

The Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to three type of sexual impurity - rape/sexual assault, fraudulent marriage, and obscenity. All three apply to child sexual abuse, as all sexual acts imposed upon children is a fraudulent marriage imposed on the child before she is ready. Sexually obscene and objectifying speech about a child in a place where others could be offended is also sexual abuse, as such is a form of public humiliation to the child. Simple pedophilia, meaning having sexual thoughts about children, was not seen as fornication, but the Early Christian churches ran on pro-social honesty, meaning if someone asked out of moral concerns about any attraction to children, the other adult would have to be honest, as is my policy today.

Most child sexual abuse in the United States peaks in intensity in a child's mid-teens, with teenage girls being the most common victims of sexual abuse in America. Most of the time, in the case of teenagers, there is an added component - unawareness of one's sexual side for teenagers, leading to recklessness in terms of location when being with teenagers. They may be sleeping at a hotel with a teenage girl, but may not know why they are making such a choice until they make it, and that is because they refuse to be aware of their sexual attractions to children, then abusing a child sexually. Usually, we aren't talking about simple pedophilia, but secondary ephebophilia.

Refusing to be aware of any thoughts lead to them being out of your control. The thoughts then control you, and take you places. What about instead of pedophiles having their thoughts controlling them, them being in total control of their thoughts. The way to do this is to fantasize about children, and recover the pedophilic thread, which may include dealing with trauma alongside the recovery of the pedophile. Pedophile recovery is simply becoming aware of the fact that you are a pedophile, and that is how you recover from the disorder - be in complete control of your thoughts in regards to wanting sex with children, and then avoid all wants in relation to children in real life, especially related to locations where sexual abuse could occur. Pedophilia is treated best alongside other mental health disorders, which can include autism, ADHD, and PTSD (from childhood trauma usually). I myself am a pedophile, and I am aware of it all of the time, and I am aware enough to control my thoughts enough not to abuse a child sexually.

The depraved and defiled adult fornicators who provoke children to anger will suffer the second death, descending into everlasting Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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