Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Why the pedophiles aren't going to Hell

 A colleague of mine has a troubling belief that I am going to Hell for a disorder that I have. Hell can be a very scary concept. I relish in it sometimes with my abuser as well, and also char myself with it. The pedophiles are not going to Hell, at least in the United States.

It says in Revelation 21:8 KJV:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and all liars, shall have their fate in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

The Greek root word translated "whoremonger" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to not pedophilia itself, but all sexual offenses under the Mosaic Law, and only when the act is defended as a "right". Fornication, from a children's rights perspective, is intent to sexually use or objectify a child, as perceived by the child and/or a parent or guardian of said child. 

A trial for a fornicator allows for a child to sense the intent of a sexually entitled adult, and set limits, and the more the adult refuses to abstain, the more guilty they appear to the parent, and anyone else around.

Pedophilia is simply the thought processes that could lead to this form of entitlement, if left unchecked. I feel it on the surface, like noticing thoughts fly by, and enjoying them spray tan the child. 

I am not nervous at all around children, which is δειλός (Latin: deilos) or guilty fear. The Greek root word denoting I how I fear children is ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to a very different, more convicting type of fear. Would you respect a child saying "STOP!" with a stophand extended towards you, but in a shock and awe type of way that simply prompted you to stop what you are doing. No fear to the level of running away or hiding your face, unless you need that sort of fear to learn your lesson. It is reverent fear, meaning if a child ordered me to leave them alone, I'd feel compelled to, and ashamed and embarrassed about my behavior. But, when you feel pain like that, you learn from it, and don't do it again. Yes, it could be guilty fear at the time, yet not at all if you draw from it reason not to repeat the same mistake again. It is being set straight as a child.

By my religious standard, presumably none of them are. Offenders exist amidst the crowd of non-offenders, and it's like whack a mole, meaning send the individual offender down and spare the rest, for they are trying their best to be good adults towards children. Offenses against children that a pedophile could be liable for is sexual/behavioral neglect or adult sexual entitlement. Most pedophilia is not entitlement, meaning yearning or wanting to the point of seeking to impose wants, but is fleeting, oftentimes intrusive thoughts for the person with the mental illness. As long as it stays on the thought level, I don't care. If you are the type of guy to be agoraphobic or semi-agoraphobic to avoid children, yet like to fantasize about children, and take pro-child stances outwardly, you are probably one of the safest people to be around children. Some of us at children's rights pedophiles have to be flawed and litigious like the stereotype to be able to stomach all of the abuse going on. Most at VirPed would not last here, because most pedophiles, meaning the actual clinical pedophiles, are highly sensitive to the pain of children, and much of the knowledge here is too graphic for them. I don't think they are going to Hell. I associate pedophilia, apart from autism, with agoraphobia and suicide, meaning they are more of a danger to themselves than any child. It is ordinary entitled parents who are doing the abusing. Pedophiles are actually less likely to abuse children than the average adult.

I, according to my beliefs, believe all adults, by default in God's eyes, are marked for deletion, and will be tormented in eternal descending Hell-fire, as we live in an evil world that hates children, with adults keeping children down like a compress. A pedophile can be part of that hatred of children, in which case their mental health label is irrelevant, and should not be associated with the offender in news articles. Most pedophiles believe in youth rights, as VirPed is a youth rights organization - we admit our privilege, with most members doing it quietly. I myself loudly announce it in exemplary format, but quietly admit privilege in my personal life towards children, with a quiet example. Pedophiles are not going to Hell, as when you can admit that to me, that shows that you have nothing to hide in terms of abuse, as no abuser would come forward in tears because they are afraid of becoming one.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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