Friday, July 23, 2021

"Leftist" trauma: Why liberal views can be traumatic for some survivors

 Many parents you hear about today from children's rights sources who abuse children are religious. Many people misunderstand, however, that every single adult, not just a few religious few, are guilty of child abuse. We hate the left here at Children's Rights here at Opposing Parental Entitlement. My attitude is first-to-last, but with idealized last-to-first application, meaning I identify with authority and anti-spanking at the same time. Power and authority hands down the spanking ban to parents, and we round them up, brand them, and register them right alongside the scum who rape and sexually assault children.

Why was the left traumatic for me? I was punished from 3 on up to age 16, and while I was punished, I believed in nothing, not even God. I saw no point in religion sometimes, and other times wanted to be Christian but felt left out due to the rod verses. What kind of god, I wondered, would delight in children being punished. Now I know that god doesn't exist. Only God, meaning the God of the Bible, meaning Yahweh, is God, and all others are false. Spanking, I learned, came from idolatrous pagan roots in European folk religions. This likely motivated European churches to aid the Council of Europe to aid in the ban on spanking across Europe. It is banned, under European law, but not under every nation's law, and not under the marshall law of every home.

I am not longer on the left. This passage was the first sign that my leftist thinking was wrong. It says in Romans 13:1-5:

Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever resisteth the power resisteth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Wilt thou not then be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth nor the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake.

The Greek root word translated "subject" is υποτασσο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to choosing to submit to another person or entity out of reverence for their authority and might. A wife submits to her husband out of a desire for protection and care. One should submit to the law of the land, in its letter, like that. In a free society like the United States, this means the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment clearly implies a child's right to equal protection to assault in relation to an adult. See also Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses in the Bible, ultimately the torts and damages system linked to the Eighth Commandment, summed up in the modern day as the slightest of offense perceived by the child, with this including striking a child, in context. Striking a child in biblical times was indeed deemed unclean for a parent at the moment the child took offense to the force imposed.

I didn't believe in the Bible like I did before. I started out believing in some parts, ignoring others, especially the New Testament. I then saw Romans 13, and then I started comparing what I saw in conservative media like PragerU with what I saw in the Bible, delving deeper into the Bible. Much of the leftist lies I believed were proven wrong. At the time, I had an anxiety disorder, and it pretty much went away by the time I fully absorbed conservative thought.

Conservatism, to me, comes from theological beliefs, meaning here Christian beliefs of mine that are fundamentalist/conservative in nature. "Fundamentalist" simply means you believe in the whole Bible, cover to cover, in context. All my beliefs stem from there. I do keep fiscally liberal beliefs, in moderate format in a way that makes abortion laws dated in nature, meaning there are so many social services out there for mothers that abortion is then rendered unnecessary, leading to a ban based on that fact that there are other options, knowing mothers would latch onto those other options first, namely adoption. My option as a man on abortion is to save sex with another person for marriage with an adult woman, so not to impregnate any young girls especially.

Leftist thought is something that gloats you up, meaning makes you proud. It is intended for a specific group of people who were shamed as children. My abusive childhood was a mixture of warmth and a stop sign, meaning my father would act like a friend sometimes, and a cop other times, punishing me with swats on the buttocks. Thus, I felt embarrassed when we went places in public, whereas I loved being seen in public with my mother...I believe still that wanting to be seen with a parent is the ultimate way of honoring them. 

I am conservative in a way that centers myself, meaning I am a children's rights Christian/conservative. I am convicted in the way my parents weren't. Children's right and conservatism do go together, but only if you are convicted that way. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense. I see all theologies and political ideologies coming together for the rights of children, in one united front against the abusers, like abusive authoritative parenting told my parents to be one united front in relation to my behaviors, speaking like a firefighter or cop when parents should resemble therapists instead. 

This page is a dissent to mainstream conservatism on the issue of parenting specifically, linking it to issues such as gun rights and homeschooling rights in the background. Why do criminals shoot people? They learned to be violent at home. Don't take away guns. Take away the belt, hairbrush, or open hand imposed on a child's body. Punishment and violence at home often leads to children modeling it in their behavior as teens and young adults. Do away with spanking, and adults and even older children can be trusted with a gun, because they will be more centered and have more self-control, whereas the anger from punishment as a child burns you up, and gives many adults today angry impulses. They have a right to own a gun, but their parents shouldn't have had the right to punish them...Just one way that you can be conservative and pro-gentle parenting.

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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