Thursday, July 8, 2021

Fantasy rights - Why it is a cause against child abuse of pedophiles

 Many people do not like the idea of fantasy rights. Fantasy rights is an initiative of the Virtuous Pedophiles organization, and many in liberal America do know offhand what VirPed and fantasy rights is, but see it as a group of men who want to fantasize about children, "don't know they actually can", and thus amount to a bunch of harmless yet quirky guys who have romantic fantasies about children, and call themselves pedophiles. These are better times for pedophiles than ever before. But, fantasy rights refers to the lowest level of child abuse and oppression, intersecting with said shared experience of children and former children - child abuse against a pedophile.

Child/pedophile is the children's rights designation for a child with pedophilic disorder. Such children are the lowest among children in terms of oppression, and the bulk of them, even worse, are fully aware that what their parents are doing is immoral and a form of abuse. This movement, even, is not entirely a safe place for a pedophilic child, as I am told by one is the accepted term. I am a safe person for these children, meaning they are the core pedophiles I stand up for. Many grow up in religious homes that do not allow for fantasy. This is where fantasy rights begins.

I never experienced this except as an abuse simulator, but it is the most enraging thing possible. Parents, however, have also been reported to say things like "I know what kind you are, and when I find out, you'll be kicked out in no time". To many of these prejudicial parents, "kicked out" might mean something even more than child abandonment.

In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there are no child abandonment laws, meaning there are, but only in your head. Why do we care about these children? They are children with special needs, meaning pedophilia is actually a neurodivergent condition when controlled, in terms of genetic history. The default, most common form of pedophilia exists in a child with a mental disability, with pedophilia being the arrested sexual development of the older child or teenager, with age-oriented expression. If you want to kick out that type of child, you're dead in my eyes. No adult responds equally to all children, and I want to KILL anyone who abuses a pedophilic child, meaning I am LIVID when I hear of their abuse. Think thrashing apart a piece of meat. The most impacted pedophiles by stigma are children, and child hatred and stigma, in the form of religious child abuse, are the core drivers of pedophile hatred, and the impact of this abuse lasts a lifetime for pedophiles.

Adult sexual entitlement is a broad term, and that can include sexual shaming of pedophiles as children. The Greek root word cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment in the New Testament, and refers to entitlement, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers here to wanting your child to not engage in self-stimulatory behavior to the point of seeking to impose said want onto the child, leading to theft/abuse upon offense taken by the child. It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses under biblical law, meaning the torts and damages under the Mosaic Law linked to the Eighth Commandment, summed up in the New Testament, implicitly, as the slightest of personal slights against a child. Abstaining from all sexual fantasy is based on personal conviction, meaning one can be convicted of that teaching, but it sure isn't for everyone, and should not be imposed on one's children, due to the existence of a possible pedophile in the house that means no harm except maybe to himself/herself. 

Most clinical pedophiles are more of a danger to themselves than to any child that crosses their path, due to them feeling the reverse. The teenage years are the worst years for this for pedophiles. Many might be the type of teenager to hide in their bedroom, maybe not want to grow up or else thinking they can take on the adult world as a child. Common co-morbid conditions to pedophilia are agoraphobia and pedophobia, with pedophobia being a fear of children. Many survivors avoid children, or having children, because the children remind them of their own childhood, and what they didn't have. Pedophiles can be avoidant of children because they are convinced that they will attack a child in the local supermarket at a moments notice, so maybe buy groceries off the Internet and maybe find a job where you can work from home. It is not always that bad, but that's a compelling example. Usually ordinary trauma survivors are subtle about their aversion to children, whereas pedophiles are overt about it, on another level feeling the need to impress children, in an attracted way that causes public embarrassment.

On the other hand, some of us were not shamed by parents for being pedophiles, meaning we simply were given boundaries, and could tell parents anything. So, we know more than many at VirPed that there is a real danger for normalizing sex with children. The more non-offending pedophiles get accepted, the more we will have to turn down offers from bleeding heart SJWs saying "Now come on, they are just ordinary people - they need an outlet, don't they?" We don't need that sort of help. A pedophile like me can see things right on her level, and we know it will never work, no matter what science you can throw in front of my face, and I say this because I am a flawed pedophilic adult with children, and am prone to rationalizing when focusing on the topic of the age of consent too much. Much of that threat might be in this movement. Amy Bryant, the official leftist in this movement, organized to have the age of consent lowered to 16 here in Pennsylvania, and now I make a proposal that we raise both the age of consent and the marriageable age to 18 here in Pennsylvania, and keep it there. In the future context, we can clamp down on sex outside of marriage, bringing America back to its founding values, while learning that children are oppressed and marginalized, and do not deserve violence or abuse of any kind, including spanking. 

But, fantasies hurt nobody, and are not sin. All sins, meaning moral crimes, must be visible to be judged, meaning the judge must be able to bear witness to a moral crime, including fornication, meaning the crime must impose legal damages upon another person. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body: but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to imposing sexual entitlement on a child, as perceived by said child, starting with the briefest of inappropriate glance, as perceived by the child and the child alone. Simply having afterthoughts about a child, or any fantasy, is not sin in and of itself, unless the individual Christian is convicted that it could lead to fornication if left unchecked (1 Thess. 5:22). My religious beliefs actually encourage sexual fantasy about children instead of imposing my sexual desires onto them, thus using them as a sex object. Pro-social fantasy is all about the word "instead". Instead of picking out a real child target, just think of her and then let go of the want to be with her. Then, internalize that you are not entitled to anything from children, meaning they owe me nothing. Then, the fantasy is something you bring out fairly frequently to think about, and you do that to practice not doing it with a real child, like turning a dial away from the child and into yourself.

The depraved and entitled prejudicial parents and pastors who abuse pedophiles with religion through sexual shaming will burn in eternal Hell-fire! Let them suffer! Let them burn! Let them descend into darkness! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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