Monday, June 14, 2021

Spreadsheet: How I judge entitled parents and adults

 Many parents punish and control their children. 94% of parents spank and physically reprimand their children. However, if you have a lawful trauma from corporal punishment, you don't want to see your abuser everywhere. So, think silos, wooden fences, hex signs, Christian family values, anti-spanking. I'm in the city here in Reading, with all the pro-spanking card reader type parents spanking their child. If they have an ACCESS card for their food, you can bet they whip or hit their kids, and once it shows, I will surely point out their guilt to my Maker. I often laugh at such parents to mask the pure rage I feel at such children on the lower deck, which I can turn on them to any degree I see as appropriate, like putty. Like moving parents around so they don't hit your child...But you can't, and the police won't either, so just pray - for God to bring justice to the child. We hope the parents come here for help, but since they probably won't, God predicted the incident from the very beginning, and condemned it. Righteous judgment is to point out that condemnation to God as part of an ongoing investigation as to rebellion in His Kingdom.

It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearances, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated both "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to courtroom judgment in an individual, meaning circular courtroom judgment. A good conservative Christian admits privilege over every person they meet. The idea is to presume innocence in your neighbor beyond a reasonable doubt, with many warnings to desist said conduct or else be shunned from existence, meaning my periphery of perception, meaning you won't exist to me if you flag yourself as an abuser to children. The Greek root word translated "appearance" is οψις (Latin: opsis) and refers to "beyond what the eye can see". 

The rules of evidence under the Law is that if you have no evidence, you have no crime, thus no evidence of abuse. Abuse comes in two components, meaning guilty intent (mens rea) leading to/guided by guilty action (actus reus). This means whatever is viscerally offensive, upsetting, or uncomfortable to a child is abuse, unless the adult is able to apologize to the child, or explain their motives as not controlling, punitive, or sexually objectifying, thus entitlement. Entitlement is basically the intent to commit a moral crime, and is a moral crime in and of itself, with the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektes) referring to a general attitude of entitlement, meaning throwing tantrums as an adult, flipping off the boss, and punishing children out of convenience. We don't like entitlement here in the United States.

I pull levers to point out to God what he already knows, like a lamppost search party of the joke variety, meaning we know what happened, but we are retracing the perpetrator's steps as to what would happen. This world was not created for us, but for Satan as a home. Humans were the one species that Satan deceived, thus He hated us the most, except for a few who treat their children with respect, and point out disrespect in other parents. In due time, the investigation will be over, and the devil will be put in his place. I understand the bright future of a spanking ban in this form of rapture logic as well. The parents are a religious topic to me in the negative, meaning I hate all of them, and I'm sure God does as well, or at least the entitled cords.

Banning spanking, to me, is putting the devil in his place, meaning locking up all the parents who spank and punish their children. We are here, as children's rights advocates, to take away your parental rights, and make you slaves to your child. If you complain at all about being a servant to your child, dear pro-spanking parents, you reek of entitlement. I am simply counting heads and tails so that, hopefully, desperately, we know who to arrest once spanking is banned, hoping further that it is a retroactive law. We want to be fascists in the lives of the parents, and we want them to complain about it, so we know how entitled they are. I hate them all, so identify as a parent to me in a sentence condoning abuse, that will be the last time you hear from me.

I judge you, dear pro-spanking parents - straight to Hell. BURN parents, BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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