Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Reverse compress: Allowing your child to keep you down

 Many people are unaware that children are being oppressed. However, children are the most oppressed and persecuted people on this earth. It is a compress that keeps them down, either feeling the shock of Stockholm syndrome of feeling "crazy" for standing up for their trauma rights as a child. What we need is to allow children to flip the scripts and oppress us. That is reverse compress.

This is something I wanted my parents to take up, so I take up this role with children. It is the deepest way to love a child, meaning the highest, most humbling way to care about a child. You see how society sees a child as property and extensions of parents, and allow them to impose said children's rights law on you. Picture a young girl one step above me, on the high bench, on the high court that is children and childhood, with me being subject to said court, called to answer to said court, on trembling and shaking knees. It's "yes, I will" or "No, I won't" when directed to a need. Until the child becomes close to you, on casual terms, you are afraid of her, and afraid of letting her down.

The idea is that one's children are a discerning mob, whose lines of righteous judgment keeps parents down, and keeps the adults that line up against them down. It is a wake and quake type of fear, righteously terrorized yet mesmerized at the same time, in shock and awe of their prowess and power, not questioning anything they need, only saying "no" rarely and only when necessary. This fear is denoted by the Greek root word ψοβος (Latin: phobos) and refers reverent fear, meaning shock and awe, with parents having a certain reverence for their own child and children in general, imagining a child with a candlewyck keeping the parent or adult accountable. Think a young girl standing over you, demanding her needs in the form of pro-social entitlement, as all entitlement from a child is pro-social. Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and is when the fearful conviction, perhaps from a child crying, leads to good works, such as listening to and validating a child's tears, or else being the punching bag for an aggressive child and submitting to that lowly yet honorable role.

The more you submit to your child, the more they submit to you. The Fifth Commandment is repeated in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to the care, support, and protection of parents, owing nothing in return to parents. It is a surrender to parents based not on fear, but by trusting. It is hearing the voice of your parents, trusting that your parents want what it best for you, and then listen automatically based on a parent-child bond built out of secure attachment and trust. 

Parenting in ancient Israel was attachment-based. The parents were the ones repressed, especially mothers. Mothers then were the type to be very close with children, on a casual and intimate level, and the setup was children guiding parents to their needs, not the reverse. A child that cried out of nowhere was scrutinized by his or her mother, and diagnosed with a need that needed to be met, including an attachment need, with mothers letting their instinct guide then. Yes, this meant reverent fear of "getting it wrong" leading to meeting the child's needs correctly. Punishment was only allowed within a judicial setting, and only administered to an adult. Only judicial corporal punishment was allowed under Jewish law, and only by way of criminal conviction by a capital offense in the Sanhedrin, as a final warning to cease criminal habits. Usually, whippings never happened because there had to be a series of warnings first, and usually people stopped things such as murder, fornication, adultery, and so forth, at the first warning, meaning the matter was solved civilly, usually between two families, and it didn't have to go to court. Law enforcement then was about role-playing in the Old Testament, and the father was basically playing a role when he whipped his son, and hated having to do it for sure. Corporal punishment was not a form of church discipline in the Early Christian churches.

The depraved, entitled parents will BURN! We shall oppress them while they are on this earth. Pro-social children's rights hegemony and hysteria. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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